Daftar isi 1. Hubungan Antara Persepsi Perawat Pelaksana Tentang Gaya Kepemimpinan Kepala Ruangan Dengan Muru Pelayanan Kesehatan Di Ruang Rawat Inap Gedung C Lantai 3 Dan Gedung D Lantai 3 Rumah ...
Daftar isi Patrawidya : seri penerbitan sejarah dan budaya volume 22 nomor 2, Agustus 2021: 1. Analysis of Factor Affecting return Visits: A Study on Religious Tourism of Sunan Ampel Surabaya - Moha...
1. School Climate And Students Dropouts: A Global Perspective 2. Memijah Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi Kedalam Etos Budaya Pembangunan 3. Amalan Kecemerlangan Sekolah Dalam Kalangan Dua Jenis Sekol...
Daftar Isi 1. The Transformation of kakawin into Geguritan Kapiparwa in bali 2. Pengaruh perdagangan cendana pada abad x-xvi 3.Representasi Musik Tradisional Sasando sebagai identitas masyara...
1. Depresi Sosial dalam Novel Represi (2018) Karya Fakhrisina Amalia: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra Ian Watt 2. Analisis Cinta Karen dan Harry dalam Film Love Actually Karya Richard Curtis 3. Feminitas da...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Historical Context of Research Universities in Thailand (Kreangchai Rungfamai) 2. Pendidikan dari Balai di Kampung Ayer ke Sekolah Moden di Darat, 1906-1941: kajian sejarah pendidikan ...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Learning for the Past: a contentious issue? (Qasim Ahmad) 2. Mengenal lebih dekat triad dan serikat rahasia Tiongkok (Tuty Enoch Muas) 3. Sejarah Sosio-Budaya Kraftangan di Brunei Dar...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Concepts of Wanua and Palili: the buginese political geography in confederation of Ajatappareng in South Sulawesi (Abd. Latif) 2. Imej Telur dan Ayam dalam Masyarakat Melayu Brunei: hu...
Refleksi tradisi orang rimba dalam dongeng " Bujang Kelingking " dan : Anak Dewa Padi " : Perspektif sosiologis ( The reflection of Orang Rimba Traditions in the folktales of " Bujang Kelingking " an...
Allan Leslie White & Wahyudi 1-2 Editorial Fadjar Shadiq 3-17 how can seameo qitep in mathematics help indonesian mathematics teachers to help their students to be independent learners in the case...
The publishing of book titled "Mosaic of Cultural Heritage Yogyakarta is an effort to introduce various cultural heritages that may not be known widely in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta has a long history that...
1. Penelitian Arkeologi Islam Balai Arkeologi Banjarmasin (Bambang Sakti Wku Atmojo) 2. Sekilas tentang Temuan Ribuan Koin Belanda di Desa Mandala, Kecamatan Telaga Langsat Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Sela...
1. Sumber Bahan dan Tradisi Alat Batu Awang Bangkal (Nia Marniati Etie Fajari) 2. Bark-Cloth and Bark-Cloth Beater from The Indonesian Archipelago (Sunarningsih) 3. Penggambaran Arsitektur Berkonstr...
Daftar isi: 1. Microhabitat Influence on Growth Distribution Pattern of Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus) in Siak, Riau Province 2. Mortality and Ingrowth Pattern Dipterocarps in Forest Recovery in East K...
Daftar isi: 1.Fiber Disruption of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) by Combined Fungal And Microwave Pretreatment 2. Effect of Substrate Moisture and Invasite Grass Compatition of Native Fig (Ficu...
JK 942.2792 Num copies: 001....
"Note on the text" / David A. Anderson: p. [v]-viii.;...
International Express is a two-level general English course for working adults at pre-intermediate and intermediate level. It has been designed to meet the practical language needs of professional adu...
JK FICTION Num copies: 001....
Daftar Isi 1. Video and Language learning (Maribel montero perez and michael p.h. Rodgers) 2.Gist watching can only take you so far : attitudes, strategies and changes in behaviour in watching f...
JK 410.1 Num copies: 004....