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John P. Kotter....
buku ini berisi pembahasan struktur kurikulum Pendidikan kesetaraan paket B setara SMP/MTs yang didalamnya meliputi mata pelajaran PKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, Bahasa Inggris, Seni Bud...
201 - Introduction Celebrating archaeology and the archaeology of celebration by Naomi Sykes, Chantal Conneller, John Schofield, Sarah Semple and Matthew Spriggs 210 - Articles David Clarke's Anal...
special section on "archaeometric approaches to the archaeology of northern hunter-gatherers"; guest edited by lan scharlotta, kristin safi, lindsey g. friedman. flexible approaches; adapting anal...
Feature Articles Online credit recovery and the path to on-time high school graduation Jordan Rickles, Jessica B. Heppen, Elaine Allensworth, Nicholas Sorensen, and Kirk Walters Rater performan...
Feature Articles Did states use implementation discretion to reduce the stringency of NCLB? evidence from a database of state regulations Vivian C. Wong, Coady Wing, David Martin, and Anandita Kri...
Effects of sef-regulation prompts in hypermedia learning on learning performance and self-efficacy N.M. Muller, T. Seufert Is technology-enhanced feedback encouraging for all in finnish basic ed...
Binsar A. Hutabarat Reformed Center for Religion and Society Ambiguitas diferensiasi agama dan negara di Indonesia H. Hans Panjaitan Reformed Center for Religion and Society Toleransi pasca ...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Authentic leadership: the missing link in managing diversity Soebowo Musa 11 Kepemimpinan berbasis integritas untuk kejayaan bangsa: bagaimana mengobarkannya?...