Players and Arenas brings together a diverse group of experts to examine the interactions between political protestors and the many strategic players they encounter, such as cultural institutions, rel...
How do interventions by the UN Security Council and the International Criminal Court influence representations of mass violence? What images arise instead from the humanitarianism and diplomacy fields...
EDITORS' COLUMN Breaking through without crashing through 543 Katty Lund Deand and jeanie M. Farray ARTICLES If You Dont.t care. then why should I? The In...
Daftar isi Alayasastra : jurnal ilmiah kesustraan volume 17 nomor 1 Mei 2021 antara lain 1. Makna Dua Haiku Berunsur Buah (Kaki) Karya Masaoka Shiki: Pendekatan Semiotik Riffaterre 2. Perempuan Terb...
Dikisahkan tentag Captain Jack Sparrow seorang bajak laut yang kapalnya telah dicuri oleh Captain Barbossa dan kru bajak lautnya mencoba merampas kembali Black Pearl. Dalam usahanya tersebut ia terlib...
Elizabeth meets her most eligible suitor yet: François, Duke of Alençon, the younger brother of the French king. A marriage will cement France's sought-for alliance with England. Despite the Puritan...
Mengisahkan tentang satu hari di sebuah desa nelayan di Inggris. Film ini menceritakan tentang kegiatan masyarakat nelayan....
JKVID 941.085092 Num copies: 001....
Buku ini membahas pengertian dasar posisi, jarak, sudut, dan tinggi serta beberapa metode pengukuran dalam Ilmu Ukur Tanah, seperti Metode Sipat Datar, Metode Trigonometris, Metode Barometris, dll. Se...
Numeralia bahasa lasalimu Pola kedwibahasaan dalam mempertahankan bahasa Bugis di kecamatan Sojol Utara kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah Penggunaan ejaan bahasa Indonesia yang disempurnakan (EYD)...
1. Pemitosan identitas masyarakat bolaang mongondow utara (Ratun Untoro) 2. In search for qualitative inquiry in second language acquisition (Golda J. Tulung) 3. Pembelajaran bahasa indonesia bagi p...
1. Bentuk-bentuk sintaktik sederhana dalam tuturan anak (R. Hery Budhiono) 2. Sasana kayau: puisi lisan khas Kalimantan Tengah yang hampir punah (J.J. Kusni) 3. Wujud karakter sentral dalam kekohes...
1. Bentuk dan Referensi Makian dalam Stiker Berbahasa Sunda: tinjauan ragam bahasa jalanan urang Sunda (Budijana) 2. Perian Semantik Leksem-Leksem yang Berkonsep 'Bermusik dengan Mulut' dalam Bahasa ...
Special issue: strengthening the connections between classroom and large-scale assessments Making measurement important for education: the crucial role of classroom assessment Mark Wilson Using lea...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Kemunculan Tahap Menulis Alfabet pada Gambar Ekspresif Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun (Putri Megasari) 2. Perbedaan Pemahaman Belajar Anak Usia Prasekolah dan Usia Sekolah (Della Raymena J) 3. P...
Link id: 145076 Old c/n: 0435271725...
Since its first edition, An Introduction to Theories of Learning has provided a uniquely sweeping review of the major learning theories from the 20th century that profoundly influenced the field of ps...
This book provides a significant contribution to the increasing conversation concerning the place of big data in education. Offering a multidisciplinary approach with a diversity of perspectives from ...
Buku kedua dari tiga buku Menuju Indonesia 2045 ini adalah catatan kritis dari CSIS, terkait upaya Indonesia mencapai kemajuan ekonomi berbasis inovasi dan ilmu pengetahuan. Berlatar ekonomi, sosial, ...
This book is an accessible introduction to linguistics specifically tailored for teachers of second language/bilingual education. It guides teachers stepwise through the components of language, focusi...
This collection offers a timely and wide-ranging contribution to the research informed improvement of the work of teacher educators. Drawing on original research studies conducted across a range of Eu...
This book provides a significant contribution to the increasing conversation concerning the place of big data in education. Offering a multidisciplinary approach with a diversity of perspectives from ...
This book is a practical resource that helps campus administrators evaluate, revise, or establish a comprehensive crisis management plan appropriate for their college or university....