Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Authentic leadership: the missing link in managing diversity Soebowo Musa 11 Kepemimpinan berbasis integritas untuk kejayaan bangsa: bagaimana mengobarkannya?...
Perancangan awal optic infra merah untuk spectrum 3,6 - 4,6 um (Preliminary Design Of Infra Red Optical For Spectrum 3,6 - 4,6 um) Irwan Priyanto, Bustanul Arifin, Andi Mukhtar Tahir 55 - 60 Identi...
Saving Indonesia Future Generation Post 2020: Strengthening Unity and Tolerance in Nation's Diversity Hendra Manurung. Membangkitkan Local Wisdom, Local Knowledge dan Local Genius Dalam Membutiri...
Isi evaluasi kondisi kepartaian 14 tahun reformasi dalam perspektif pelembagaan sistem kepartaian firman noor pengawasan dpr dan politik kartel era reformasi: studi kasus interpelasi dan an...
Asumsi kegiatan strategis untuk roadmap transformasi badan pemeriksaan keuangan Republik Indonesia Agus Joko Pramono, Hendy Hendharto 1 - 21 The relationship between the audit board of the republic ...
Building the state defense to counter the threat of proxy war Proxy war and Indonesia’s National security: victoria concordia crescit Safril Hidayat and Wawan Gunawan Corruption as part of proxy...
Indonesia in combating cyber war The use of counter-intelligence operation strategies in addressing national cyber threats Yosua Praditya Suratman Indonesian internet users potential in counter-cyb...
Value creation through encourage diversity I Putu Gede Ary Suta Dance with changes: Developing Organizational change management model to cope market turbulence and dynamics Hendrik Lim Competi...