Includes bibliographical reference and indexPrevious ed.: published as by Bill Coxall and Lynton Robins. Basingstoke:Macmillan, 1998...
Content: 1. Margins of the centre or critical peripheries? [Lisa Janz and James Conolly] 2. The spread of metal and metal production technology in the Far Northeast and Alaska over the second mill...
articles portratits of new literacies in two singapore classrooms collaborative writing features theamtization in efl students' composition writing and its reation to academic experience...
How should curriculum designers translate abstract learning outcomes into engaging learning experiences that get results? What is the right balance between depth and breadth or between content and ski...
What skills are needed to ensure success as a school leader today? How do you ensure great teaching and learning is happening in your school? How do you build leadership capacity within your teams? To...
Previous ed.: 1993...
Pandemi COVID19 bukanlah pandemi pertama yang disebabkan oleh virus. Sebutlah flu spanyol, cacar, hingga HIV yang telah menyebabkan jutaan kecacatan dan kematian. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan semakin mem...
The Oxford Book of British Bird Names is the first work of its kind to provide informed accounts of the history and the origin of English bird names. It fills a gap on the bookshelves of bird lovers a...
JK FICTION Num copies: 001....
CBS/Fox Video....
JK 822.33 Num copies: 001....
My Fair Lady adalah sebuah film drama musikal Amerika tahun 1964yang diadaptasi dari musikal panggung Lerner dan Loewe tahun 1956 berdasarkanpanggung tahun 1913 karya George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion. 00...
Daftar isi : 1. Kajian Bahasa AS Sebagai Bahasa yang Hampir Punah di Distrik Makbon, Sorong, Papua Barat (The Study of As Language as One of Endangered Languages in Makbon District, Sorong, West Papu...
Buku Fraktur Torakolumbal ini ditulis dengan latar belakang bahwa pemahaman mengenai fraktur Torakolumbal sangat diperlukan. Buku ini disajikan dengan menarik berdasarkan pengamatan dari berbagai sumb...
Includes index....