Includes bibliographical references (p. 287-303) and index.;...
Daftar Isi: 1. Partai Masyumi dan Utopia: Implementasi Trias Politika Di Provinsi Sulawesi Tahun 1950-1953 2. Dinamika Parik Gula Jenar di Kabupaten Purworejo Pada Tahun 1909-1933 3. Perkawinan d...
Daftar Isi 1. Mengekalkan Kekerabatan; Struktur Lima Saodaran pada Upacara Perkawinan Etnik Simalungun 2. Falsafah Hidup Orang Bugis Terhadap Budaya Kerja pada PT Amanah di Makassar 3. Dinamika ...
Daftar isi Alayasastra : jurnal ilmiah kesustraan volume 17 nomor 1 Mei 2021 antara lain 1. Makna Dua Haiku Berunsur Buah (Kaki) Karya Masaoka Shiki: Pendekatan Semiotik Riffaterre 2. Perempuan Terb...
Daftar Isi struktur dan makna frasa nominal dalam bahasa maanyan Dwiani Septiana bahasa lasalimu-kamaru: kajian dialektologi Firman A.D. penggunaan singkatan oleh mahasiswa dalam media ...
JK 420.901 Num copies: 001....
EDITORIAL: 1. Structural reform in England: Emerging configurations of governance and leadership in the new ‘local’ (Tim Simkins, Philip Woods) ARTICLES: 1. Understanding the local: Themes and...
Daftar isi editorial 1. Five-year retrospective Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David A. Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney articles 2....
Feature Articles Understanding the promise: a typology of state and local college promise programs Laura W. Perna and Elaine W. Leigh Sexual orientation and school discipline: new evidence from a p...
Bibliography: p113-125. - Includes index....
[edited by] Annie Woods....
Editor: 1. A Round Peg in a Round Hole: Intentionality in Publication “Fit” (Kathy Lund Dean, Jeanie M. Forray) Research Article: 1. Identifying Research Topic Development in Business and Mana...
Includes index....
JKR 297.1975 Num copies: 001....
Donald F. Kettl, University of Maryland....
Includes index.;...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 684-686) and index.;...
Includes index.;...