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Science education may 2016 volume 100 issue no 3

Daftar isi
1. 409/announcing the new editors-in-cheif for science education
John L. Rudolph
2. 410/scientific argumentation for all? comparing teacher beliefs about argumentarion in high, mid, and low socioeconomic status schools
Rebecca Katsb-Singer, Katherine L. Mc Neill, and Suzanna Laper
published online 29 march 2016
3. 437/lyricism, identity, and the power of lyricism, identiy, and the power of lyricism as the third space
Bryan A. Brown, Jamal Cooks, and Keith Cross
published online 29 march 2016
4. 459/how students view the boundaries between their science and religious education concerning the origins of lfe and the universe
Berry Billingsley, Richard Brock, Keith S. Taber, and Fran Riga
published online 2 february 2016
5. 483/assessing understanding of the energy concept in different science disciplines
Mihwa Park and Xiufeng Liu
published online 28 march 2016
6. 517/molecular mechanistic reasoning: toward bridging the gap between the molecular and cellular levels in life science education
Marc H. W. van Mil, Paulien A. Postma, Dirk Jan Boerwinkel, Kees Klaassen, and Arend Jan Waarlo
published online 29 march 2016
7. 586/framing the genetics curriculum for social justice: an experimental exploration of how the biology curriculum influences beliefs about racial difference
Brian M. Donovan
published online 15 february 2016
8. 617/all reviewers who completed reviews 2015

Perpustakaan Kemendikbud JOU 370 SCI
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Madison, Wis. : : Wiley.,
619 p ; 26 cm
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