JTE journal of teacher education volume 66 number 5 november/december 2015
Daftar isi
1. Five-year retrospective
Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David A. Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney
2. teacher preparation for profit or prestige: analysis of a diverse market for teacher preparation
Jane Arnold Lincove, Cynthia Osborne, Nick Mills, and Laura Bellows
3. Deans' corner: views on the state of teacher education in 2015
Fran Arbaugh, Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Pam Grossman, Donald E. Heller, and David Monk
theme articles
4. at the nexus of improvement science and teaching: introduction to a special section of the journal of teacher education
Paul G. LeMahieu, Ann R. Edwards, and Louis M. Gomez
5. Embedding language support in developmental mathematics lessons: lexploring the value of design as professional development for community college mathematics instructors
Kimberley Gomez, Louis M. Gomez, Katherine C. Rodela, Emily S. Horton, Jahneille Cunningham, and Rocio Ambrocio
6. Designing for improvement in professional development for community college developmental mathematics faculty
Ann R. Edwards, Carlos Sandoval, and Haley McNamara
7. Generating a networked improvement community to improve secondary mathematics teacher preparation: network leadership, organization, and operation
W. Gary Martin and Howard Gobstein
8. using improvement science to better support beginning teachers: the case of the building a teaching effectiveness network
Maggie Hannan, Jennifer Lin Russell, Sola Takahashi, and Sandra Park
reviewer appreciation
9. 2014-2015 reviewer appreciation
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