JTE journal of teacher education volume 66 number 4 september october 2015
Daftar isi
1. school-based teacher learning
Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Gamson, Scott P. McDonald, James Nolan Jr., and Anne Elrod Whitney
2. field placement schools and instructional effectiveness
Matthew Ronfeldt
3. teaching as assemblage: negotiating learning and practice in the first year of teaching
Kathryn J. Strom
4. Unraveling the complexity of student teachers' learning in and from the workplace
Han Leeferink, Maaike Koopman, Douwe Beijaard, and Evelien Ketelaar
5. from experience to expertise: the development of teachers' learning in lesson study
Candice Bocala
6. problems without ceilings: how mentors and novices frame and work on problems of-practice
Jessica Thompson, Sara Hagenah, Karin Lohwasser, and Kat Laxton
7. Teaching , learning, and leading: preparing teachers as educational policy actors
Amy J. Heineke, Ann Marie Ryan, and Charles Taci
8. response to "rating teacher cheaper, faster, and better: not so fast": lt's about evidence
John Gargani and Michael Strong
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