Educational management administration and leadership vol 45 n0 3 may 2017
School-based research Extending evidence-informed practice to the institutional level
How can school leaders establish evidence-informed Schools An analysis of the effectiveness of potential school policy levers
Contextualizing, orchestrating and learning for leading The praxis and particularity of educational leadership practices
Validating a Spanish Version of the PIMRS Application in National and Cross-national Research on Instructional Leadership
Negotiating the principles and practice of school leadership The Kazakhstan experience
Maladministration in Education Towards a Typology Based on Public Records in Canada
Emotional demands, emotional labour and occupational outcomes in school principals Modelling the relationships
Followership styles and job satisfaction in secondary school teachers in serbia
Key influences on special education teachers’ intentions to leave The effects of administrative support and teacher team efficacy in a mediational model
The fit between school board control and behaviour of middle managers, team leaders and teachers in Dutch colleges for vocational education and training
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