ELT Journal Vol.54/2 April 2000
promoting learner autonomy through the curriculum: principles for designing language courses skills with EAP classes 109 (Sara Cotterall)
Modelling and cognitive apprenticeship in teacher education 118 (Nicky Hockly)
Integrating teacher learning: the school-based follow-up development activity 126 (Alan Waters and Ma. Luz C. Vilches)
Cascade training and teachers professional development 135 (David Hayes)
Foreign language acquisition and melody singing 146 (Carmen Fonseca Mora)
A process genre approach to teaching writing 153 (Richard Badger and Goodith White)
Discourse rating tasks: a teaching tool for developing 161 (Jim Sook Lee and Beverley McChesney)
Designing rating scales for small-group interaction 169 (Roger Nunn)
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