The ary suta center series on strategic management [ April 2013, Vol. 21]
Value creation through encourage diversity
I Putu Gede Ary Suta
Dance with changes: Developing Organizational change management model to cope market turbulence and dynamics
Hendrik Lim
Competitive dynamics and strategic moves: building resources and core competences in your organizations
Mohammad Hamsal
Pembelajaran untuk mengembangkan kemampuan otak korporasi
Anton Wachidin Widjaja
Leadership Challenges: leading with empathy
Jono Effendy
Krisis Pemimpin Agama dan Politik
Victor Silaen
Good Leaders Make Bad Ethical Choice: On The Broken Legitimation
Saifur Rohman
Apakah pemimpin / pejabat dapat dipercaya?
I Gusti Ngurah Agung
Leadership in social networks
Cungki Kusdarjito
The Power of Positive Thinking
Ketut Tastra Sukata
Banjir berulang: ekologinya dan pengelolaan yang tidak berwawasan lingkungan
Mohammad Hasroel Thayib.
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