The language learning journal: journal of the association for language learning volume 48 number 5 october 2020
Contents about:
1. Context is everything: reflections on CLIL in the UK
2. Is the English baccalaureate( EBacc) helping participation in language learning in secondary schools in england?
3. Curriculum change in modern foregn languages education in england: barriers and possibilies
4. I've got a gut feeling that i'd regret not choosing spanish. a critical discourse analysis of language option choice discussions on mumsnet and studentroom
5. Changing language mindstes about modern languagees: a school intervention
6. changing mindsets in the modern forgein languages classroom: an intervention combining intelligence theories and reading trategies
7. Steepping up in the modern fprgein languages: professional development across the primary to secondary school transition
8. Teaching modern forgein lamguages in multilingual classrooms: an eximination of key stage 2 teacher's experiences
9. Multilingual and and monolingual children in the primary-level language classroom: individual differences and perceptions of forgeign language learning
10. An early start to forgein language literacy in english primary school classrooms
11. language learning experiences of postgraduate research students in the UK
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