Search Result


Archipel 98

Judul artikel:
Echos de la Recherche = Gema Penelitian
1. Singapura before Raffles : Archaelogy and the Seas
2. ICAS 11th, Leiden, The Netherlands
3. The International Intensive Course in Old Javanese
4. Images de campagne : Jilbab, James Bond et blagues salaces =
5. panorama des études philippines en Europe = Tinjauan studi Philipina di Eropa
Et le Cinema = Perfilman
6. Sept ans plus tard, quel bilan pour le film The At of Killing? =
7. Le Solique des muets
8. Lettres de Prague
9. Textiles in Old Sundanese
10. The strange journey of Latawalujwa in Java, from two pre-Islamic goddesses to an elasti term for God
11. The Historical Paths of Sahu Ceremonial textiles
12. La legislation sur le blaspheme et le retreissement progressif du champ de la literte religieuse en Indonesie depuis 1965
13. The Particle Pun in modern Indonesian and Malaysia
14. Spirits and Ships ; Cultural Transfers in Early Monsoon Asia
15. Jejak Rasa Nusantara : Sejarah Makanan Indonesia = Sur les traces d'un gout insulindien : Histoire de l'alimentation en Indonesie
16. Soul catcher : Java's Fiery Prince Mangkunagara I
17. Hasan Mustapa : Ethnicity and Islam in Indonesia
18. Why the Porcupine is Not a Bird, Explorations in the Folk Zoology of an Eartern Indonesian People
19. Kebalian : La construction dialogique de l'identitie balinaise
20. Women in the shadows : Gender; puppets and the power of tradition in Bali
21. Gunungkidulan
Litteratures = Sastra
22. Mataram : A novel of love, faith and power in early Java
23. I am Sri : Sri's story as she told it, freely translated from Javanese
24. Arthur Rimbaud dans l'herbe d'ou l'on ne peut fuir ; pourquoi s'engager p;our deserter
25. Histoire des traductions en langue francaise
Philologie = Filologi
26. Vom Gebrauch der Philologie. Der Luzerner Sprachforscher Renward Brandstetter = On the use of Philology...

Perpustakaan Kemendikbud JOU 306.408 ARC
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Series Title
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JOU 306.408 ARC
Paris : Association Archipel.,
283p; 23 cm
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