The language learning journal: journal of the association for language learning, vol 48, number 2, April 2020
Daftar Isi:
1. Analysis of accuracy in the writing of EFL students enrolled on CLIL and non-CLIL programmes: the impact of grade and gender
2. Meaningful and Contextualised grammar instruction: what can foreign language textbooks offer?
3. Teaching linguistics to two-level English language users in a teacher education programme: an action research study
4. The effects of rehearsal and strategic task planning on L2 Willingness to Communicate Golnaz Jamalifar and Hadi Salehi
5. Language learning strategies for reading comprehension: assessing the strategy use of young adults at beginners' level taking Chinese, German: Japanese or Spanish ad foreign languages at university
6. The effectiveness of group, pair and individual output tasks on learning phrasal verbs Mar Feng Feng
7. Dynamic L3 selves: a longitudinal study of five university L3 Learners' motivational trajectories in China
8. The development of a scale for measuring the self-regulated motivation for improving speaking English as a foreign language
9. The impact of learning Latin on school pupils: a review of existing data
10. Investigating collective-efficacy in the foreign language classroom
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