ACTA : pharmaceutica indonesia Vol. XXI, No. 1, MAret 2006
1. Porphyrin structure-based molecule for photodynamic therapy of cancer (Daryono hadi tjahjono)
2. Aktivitas ekstrak etanol daun gandapura (gaultheria leucocarpa BI.) dan mangkokan [nothopanax scutellarius (Burm.f.) Merr] terhadap pityrosporum ovale (Elin yulinah iskandar dkk)
3. Aktivitas antimikroba ekstak etanol daun dua belas jenis tumbuhan marga terminalia (combretaceae) (Asep gana suganda dkk)
4. Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak daging buah salak varietas bongkok (salacca edulis reinw) (Leni herliani afrianti priyatno dkk)
5. Chromatomembrane method as a sample preparation technique in the determination of ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel by HPLC (Ganden supriyatno)
6. A rapid, sensitive and validated method for the determination of antiretroviral, stavudine, in human plasma by reversed-phase high pressure liquid chromatography (Harinanto G dkk)
7. Analisis akrilamida dalam sediaan kentang goreng (french fries) dari beberapa rumah maka cepat saji secara kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (Yahdiana harahap dkk)
8. Analisis kuantitatif aflatoksin dalam bumbu pecel secara KLT densitometri (Herman suryadi dkk)
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