JEP Journal of Education Policy [volume 33 number 1 january 2018]
Governing teacher learning: understanding teachers' compliance with and critique of standardization
Ian Hardy
Psychicall contexts of subjectivity and performative practices of remuneration: teaching assistants' narratives of work
Claudia Lapping and Jason Glynos
Shaping the educational policy field: 'crosss-field effects' in the chinese context
Hui Yu
The International baccalaureate career programme: a case study of college and career readiness policy goals
Richard D. Lakes and Martha K. Donovan
A different type of charter school: in prestige charters, a rise in cachet equals a decline in access
Elizabeth Brown and Molly Vollman Makris
The phantom national? assembling national teaching standards in australia's federal system
Glenn C. Savage and Steven Lewis
Theorising systemic change: learning from the academisation project in england
Stephen M. Rayner, Steven J. Courtney and Helen M. Gunter
Discursive institutionalism: towards a framework for analysing the relation between policy and curriculum
Ninni Wahlstrom and Daniel Sundberg
Book Review
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