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JTE journal of teacher education volume 70 number 5 november/december 2019

profesional development for equity: what consitutes powerful professional learning?
darinda j. carter andrews and gail richmond 408

flipping the classrom in teacher education: implications for motivation and learning
mike yough, hillary e. merzdorf, heather n. fedesco, and hyun jin cho 410

teachers' adoption of inquiry-based learning activities: the importance of belief
about edcuation, the self, and the context
michiel voet and bram de wever 423

the effects of networked professional learning communities
rilana prenger, cindy l. poortman, and adam handelzalts 441

examining spillover effects from teach for america corps member in miami-dade county public schools
ben backes, michael hansen, zeyu xu, and victoria brady 453

preservic teachers' mathematics teaching competence: comparing performance on two measures
rosella santagata and judith haymore sandholtz 472

an empirical study of the dimensionality of the mathematical knowledge for teaching construct 485

Exploring Contradictions in an EFL Teacher Professional Learning Community
Yi Yan and Luxin Yang 498
Exceeding Expectations: Teachers’ Decision Making Regarding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
Tasha Riley 512
An Affinity for Learning: Teacher Identity and Powerful Professional Development
James Noonan 526
Teacher Face-Work in Discussions of Video-Recorded Classroom Practice: Constraining
or Catalyzing Opportunities to Learn? 538
Dana Vedder-Weiss, Aliza Segal, and Adam Lefstein
Learning “New” Instructional Strategies: Pedagogical Innovation, Teacher Professional
Development, Understanding and Concerns
Rita Elaine Silver, Galyna Kogut, and Thi Canh Dien Huynh 552
Mentoring as More Than “Cheerleading”: Looking at Educative Mentoring Practices Through Mentors’ Eyes 567
Randi N. Stanulis, Lindsay J. Wexler, Stacey Pylman, Amy Guenther, Scott Farver, Amy Ward,
Amy Croel-Perrien, and Kristen White
Exploring Linguistic Diversity From the Inside Out: Implications of Self-Reflexive Inquiry 581
for Teacher Education
Steven Z. Athanases, Leslie C. Banes, Joanna W. Wong, and Danny C. Martinez

Reviewer Appreciation
2018-2019 Reviewer Appreciation

Perpustakaan Kemendikbud JOU 370.5 TEA
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JOU 370.5 TEA
American : American Association Of Colleges For Teacher Education.,
596 p, ; 28 cm.
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