Biotropia vol. 25 no. 1 april 2018
1. Genotypic And Phenotypic Characterization Of Alcaligenes Javaensis JG3 Potential As An Effective Biodegrader
2. Phenotypic And Molecular Characterization Of Multishoots Development In Transgenic Phalaenopsis Amabilis (L.) Blume Harboring 35S::KNAT1 (Knotted-Like Arabidopsis Thaliana 1)
3. Isolating Microsatellite From Amorphophallus Variabilis And Its Application For Population Study In Dramaga Conservation Forest, Indonesia
4. Light-Color-Induced Changes In Fatty Acid Biosynthesis In Chlorella Sp. Strain KS-MA2 In Early Stationary Growth Phase
5. The Growth Strategies Analysis Of Ten Woody Plant Species For Effective Revegetation
6. The Peculiar Petiole Calluses Growth Of Amorphophallus Titanum (Becc.) Becc. Ex Arcang And Its Implications For Ex Situ Conservation Efforts
7. Jabon ( Anthocephalus Cadamba Roxb) Potency For Remediating Lead (Pb) Toxicity Under Nutrient Culture Condition
8. Soil Characteristics Under Intensified Shifting Cultivation For Upland Rice Cultivation In Upland Sabal, Sarawak, Malaysia
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