JTE: journal of teacher education vol. 71 no. 3, Mei - Juni 2020
1. Barriers to inquiry-based instruction: a longitudinal study of history teachers [Christopher C. MArtell]
2. "Reality shock " of beginning teachers? changes in teacher candidates' emotional exhaustion and constructivist-oriented beliefs [Thamar Voss and Mareike Kunter]
3. Teaching for America across two hemispheres: comapring the ideological appeal of the teach for all teacher education model in the United States and Brazil [Rolf Straubhaar]
4. Yes, we can! Palestinian-Israeli teachers in Jewish Israeli Schools [Wurud Jayusi and Zvi Bakerman]
5. "What do you need a course like that for?" conceptualizing diverse ruralities in rural teacher eduaction [Vanessa Anthony-Stevens and Stephanie Longford]
6. Meaningful ambivalence, incommensurability, and vulnerability in an antiracist project: answers to unasked quetions [Jenna Min Shim]
7. Striving for critical reflection in multicultural and social justice tecaher education: introducing a typology of reflection appproaches [Paul C. Gorski and Kelly Dalton]
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