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A breakthrough in vocational and technical education : the Singapore story

There has been much international effort to improve or transform Vocational and Technical Education (VTE). However, the outcomes often remain elusive. VTE continues to be largely shunned by society as a sector of education for low achievers and academic failures.A breakthrough in VTE is a Singapore story made possible through strategic planning, organisational excellence, innovation and ingenuity. It is a compelling story of how the Institute of Technical Education (ITE) began to transform lives and change its image over a period of fifteen years (1992–2007). This book, based on a first-hand CEO account, vividly captures the sort of leadership, policy choices, fundamental principles and capabilities in the journey of transformation. The details of the “what, when, how and why” are a valuable guide for leaders and practitioners in building quality and sustainable VTE systems which are responsive to social and economic needs.This book is written in three parts. Part I provides the historical background to the VTE sector in Singapore, a systems view of the dynamics and challenges faced by the VTE system and propounds the fundamental importance of aligning education with economic development goals.The key focus in Part II is the three waves of transformation from the former Vocational and Industrial Training Board (VITB) to ITE in Singapore that was motivated by an early interest in moving towards organisational excellence and supported by a consistent use of strategic planning. In the process, the image of vocational training was changed and resulted in a unique brand of a world-class ITE education and training model that ITE is today.In Part III is a reflection on what it takes to build a sustainable high-quality VTE system in light of Singapore's experience, an international context and a changing policy environment. Also included are thoughts on how the Singapore ITE story may be an inspiration to others facing similar challenges in VTE.

Perpustakaan Kemendikbud (600) LEN 370.113095957 LAW
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LEN 370.113095957 LAW
Singapore : World Scientific publising.,
xxvi, 281. ; 24 x 16 cm.
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