Editorial Kumpulan abstrak Faktor-faktor penyebab guru belum optimal memanfaatkan portal rumah belajar dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Supandri Bahan ajar flipook online mata kuliah PTI menggunaka...
1. Education Research Database of Indonesia (Muh. Qudrat Nugraha, Ph.D / Educational Researcher) 2. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berorientasi Model Pembelajaran Diskusi pada Pokok Bahasan Ener...
editorial kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan kajian yuridis dan konseptual kurikulum pendidikan di indonesia sepanjang sejarah (suatu tinjaun kritis filosofis) program pendidikan life skills...
1. Pengembangan karakter anak usia dini melalui simulasi kecakapan hidup (Tri Widayati) 2. Pengembangan model pendidikan life skills berbasis kewirausahaan melalui experiential learning (Iis prasetyo...
Presenting leadership of educational change in higher education as a dynamic, collaborative, and evolving area, Delivering Educational Change in Higher Education provides rich examples of how new ways...
Today's dynamic and uncertain environment has contributed to the changing nature of markets. In order for companies to keep up, they will need to embark on new wave marketing to ride the wave of oppor...
The strategi assessment of Indonesia's higher education system and current policy is the first output of the newly established strategic Policy Working Group Within the Ministry of Education....
In this book Oran Young extends and generalizes his earlier work on international environmental regimes to present a comprehensive account of the current status and future prospects of regimen theory ...
Most questions commonly asked about international politics are ethical ones, Should the international community intervene in Bosnia What do we owe the starving in Somalia? What should be done about th...
Melalui buku ini pembaca dibawa untuk memahami dan menguasai tentang pendidikan di Indonesia, Otak, Pengetahuan, Berpikir, Kognisi dan Kognitif, Penalaran dan Logika pada pembelajaran, Komunikasi rama...
Interchange Third Edition is a fully revised edition of New Interchange, the world's most successful English series for adult and young adult learners. Each unit includes up-to-date content, additiona...
Buku ini berisi lima bab yang berisi Aku Bisa Menaklukkan Tantangan; Metodologi Design Thinking dan Inovasi Pembelajaran; Pembelajaran Abad 21; Menetaskan Generasi Emas 2045 melalui Design Thinking; d...
Buku ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa program kependidikan, guru, serta pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) dalam bidang pendidikan yang ingin mempelajari tentang pembelajaran yang sesuai untuk meningkatka...
From the acclaimed author of Turn the Ship Around!, former US Navy Captain David Marquet, comes a radical new playbook for empowering your team to make better decisions and take greater ownership. You...
Best practices currently advocate that education professionals consult and collaborate with colleagues across disciplines as a means of providing students and their families a comprehensive, developme...
Contending that this ability to "earn" understanding will equip students to thrive in school, at work, and in life, the authors highlight seven higher-order thinking skills that facilitate students' a...
This teacher education textbook invites preservice and beginning teachers to think critically about the impact of rurality on their work and provides an overview of what it means to live, teach, learn...
The National Curriculum focuses on promoting reading for pleasure and engaging pupils using a range of diverse and inclusive texts and materials. This text supports trainee teachers working towards pr...
This timely and accessible volline explores how our understanding of research in child development can help cattivate the knowledge, skills, and artitudes children need for informed and thoughtful par...
Buku ini akan membantu individu, tim, dan organisasi dalam menggunakan alat dan metode pemikiran desain dalam konteks yang tepat; memahami perkembangan terbaru dalam pemikiran desain yang dimunculkan ...
Research tells us what expert teachers should be doing in their classrooms. This approach is based on the idea that teaching expertise is nothing more than the accumulation of specific skills and know...
The aim of this bilingual German and English publication is to provide a detailed and complete description of the German university system. The descriptions of the universities are richly illustrated ...
This document contains provisions relating to attainment targets and progammes of study in technology and is prepared by the Secretaries of State for Education Science and for Wales in anticipation of...
The second introduction gives practical directions for the teacher who wants to get directly into the activities and relates the material to the National Curriculum....
Buku ini berisi sepuluh artikel hasil penelitian para guru dalam praktik pengajaran bahasa berorientasi HOTS (higher order thinking skills). Dalam penyajiannya, kesepuluh artikel tersebut dibagi menja...