Memuat kisah hidup dari Lord Mountbatten. Seorang admiral dari angkatan laut Inggris Raya....
Daftar isi 1. Morfologi kota-kota di Priangan Timur pada abad XX-XXI; studi kasus kota Garut, Ciamis, dan Tasikmalaya Cities Morfologi in East Priangan of the 20th and 21th and Century: a case stud...
editorial kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan kajian yuridis dan konseptual kurikulum pendidikan di indonesia sepanjang sejarah (suatu tinjaun kritis filosofis) program pendidikan life skills...
1. Pengembangan karakter anak usia dini melalui simulasi kecakapan hidup (Tri Widayati) 2. Pengembangan model pendidikan life skills berbasis kewirausahaan melalui experiential learning (Iis prasetyo...
Today's dynamic and uncertain environment has contributed to the changing nature of markets. In order for companies to keep up, they will need to embark on new wave marketing to ride the wave of oppor...
Indonesia Now & Beyond is an expression of social responsibility on the part of all who contribute to realizing this annual project. Touched by our mission to tell the world about the beautiful side o...
Summary: This series of readers offers support to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and moderntitles, and fact and fiction. There are full colou...