Tujuan penyusunan kamus dwibahasa ini adalah untuk melestarikan kosakata bahasa Culambacu sekaligus untuk membantu pemakai bahasa sasaran dalam memahami dan menguasai makna kata bahasa sumber serta me...
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Penyusunan Kamus Budaya Gayo ini merupakan upaya Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa dalam menyusunan Kamus Istilah di Indonesia. Kamus Budaya Gayo ini dibuat sebagai wadah bagi para mahasiswa, do...
This volume aims to foster interaction between scholars in the subfields of Islamic and Buddhist studies by increasing understanding of the circulation and localization of religious texts, institution...
Rethinking the ways global history is envisioned and conceptualized in diverse countries such as China, Japan, Mexico or Spain, this collections considers how global issues are connected with our loca...
The study examines the fiction of Black Women’s Renaissance. It focuses on the novels of the 1980s, which appreciated “culture-bearing” mothers as reproducers of the nation, to analyze the vexed...
Analyzing the confluence between coloniality and activist art, Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future argues that there is much to gain from approaching contemporary politically committed art practic...
This book assesses the impacts of COVID-19 on the Indonesian economy, particularly on employment, education, poverty, trade, and macro economy. The book explains how fiscal and monetary stimulus work ...
With CD Room...
Kata Pengantar Kumpulan Abstrak Leksikal Bahasa Sunda di Kabupaten Purwakarta: Regenerasi Penutur Bahasa Sunda. Sumbangan Penguasaan Diksi dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kemampuan Menulias N...
Daftar Isi - The Sangiran Fossil Shell Assemblages Catalogue, Marie Grace Pamela G. Faylona, dkk - Gua Mabitce: Data Baru Situs Hoabinh di Sumatra Bagian Utara, Taufiqurrahman Setiawan, dkk - Mega...
achievement test answer key....
With answer keys...