Fantasy sports are a hit worldwide, and now teachers and parents can take advantage of this phenomenon to give students a reason to look forward to doing math. The games and activities in Fantasy Foot...
One of the noteworthy global achievements of the past two decades has been the remarkable increase in thenumber of children attending school and the number of children completing the primary cycle. A...
The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites presents a fascinating picture of the ways in which today's cultural institu...
The book entitled "An Introduction to Research Method in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Guide" is a very practical and accessible book that offers a comprehensive overview of research methodology in...
Sistem sapaan bahasa melayu bangka (feri pristawan) Alih kode pada tuturan siswa prasekolah: studi kasus tentang alih kode pada siswa ‘’gita montessori/islamic school’’ (nathalie eda zileta d...
Peran sintaksis subjek dalam konstruksi kalimat dasar bahasa indonesia (a danang satria nugraha) Penerapan model savi dalam pembelajaran menyimak unsur alur, perwatakan, sudut pandang, dan teknik pen...
Daftar isi : 1. Kajian Bahasa AS Sebagai Bahasa yang Hampir Punah di Distrik Makbon, Sorong, Papua Barat (The Study of As Language as One of Endangered Languages in Makbon District, Sorong, West Papu...
- The difficulties faced by grade xii students of sman plus provinsi riau in practicing english debate (ahmad nawari) - Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat pelelawan (imelda) - Analisis ...
1. The Difficulties Faced by Grade XII Students of SMAN Plus Provinsi Riau in Practicing English Debate (Ahmad Nawari) 2. Nilai-nilai yang Terkandung dalam Cerita Rakyat Perelawan (Imelda) 3. Analis...
vitalitas bahasa enggano di pulau enggano the vitality of enggano languange in enggano island sarwo f. wibowo pembelajaran dwibahasa di sekolah dasar: pelaksanaan, kendala, dan harapan learning...
daftar isi peningkatan kemampuan menyusun teksi diskusi menggunakan media gambar karakter di smpn 3 peterongan 1-9 Faiqotur Rosidah karakteristik kebutuhan model penilaian autentik dalam pemb...
- Kajian nilai pendidikan karakter dalam naskah drama ‘Panembahan Reso’’ Karya W.S. Rendra untuk pengembangan Buku Ajar (Edy suryanto, Suyitno, dan Budi Waluyo) - Peningkatan kemampuan menulisa...
Daftar Isi 1. Konjungsi bermakna "dan" dalam Bahasa Maanyan (Kity Karenisa) 2. Tinjauan Intrinsik dua lakon drama konvensional dan inkonvensional Putu Wijaya : Bila Malam (Dapy Fajar Raharjo) 3. ...
Persepsi Pengguna Moda Transportasi Terhadap Penggunaan Bahasa di Ruang Publik Di Sembilan Kota Indonesia (Amran Purba) Potret Kemiskinan Dalam Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Tawa Gadis Padang Sampah Karya A...
1109-1121 Simulated estimation to examinee parameter using newton-raphson method in application for language testing [Widiatmoko] 1122-1131 Concept, type, and way of creating authentic assessment [Ta...
Eksistensialisme toko utama dalam cerpen di Joyoboyo penyair berteman sunyi karya Eko Darmoko Dody Kristianto An analysis of non-verbal communication in academic presentation Yudi Juniardi, Di...
66-75. Dekonstruksi budaya dalam cerpen Kartini karya Putu Wijaya Adek Dwi Oktaviantina 76-82. Students teachers' Viewpoints on the implementation of bridging course for Imersion program 83-97. Asp...
- Bridging a collaborative learning in process writing through Weblog: An experiment for Indonesian learners -Learning social studies at primary schools: a multilevel analysis for research policies ...
-Attitude of school principals toward the implementation of e-learning in school -The role of computer-assisted language learning in teaching English as a foreign language -The influence of genre-ba...
Focus on what matters: productivity Iwan Jaya Azis The Effect of self-leadership towards academic performance: the mediating effect of-academic self-efficacy. Case study on generation Y students in...
Daftar isi 1.Stimulasi Perkembangan Anak melalui Permainan Tradisional Suku Batak Toba Stimulation of Children Development truogh Batak Toba Traditional Games Ivo Yani 2.Pengembangan Budaya Ba...
Visible learning presents research involving many millions of students and represent the largest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Are...
Summary: This series of readers offers support to both teachers and students. The series caters to a wide range of tastes, with traditional and moderntitles, and fact and fiction. There are full colou...
Robots in Education is an accessible introduction to the use of robotics in formal learning, encompassing pedagogical and psychological theories as well as implementation in curricula. Today, a variet...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Meridian Plus is a three-stage English course. It takes adult and young adult students who are beginners or false beginners up to an intermediate language level.Meridian Plus enables students to commu...
Initiative is a general English course which meets the needs of more advanced learners. It is particularly suitable for students pursuing English as part of their academic studies. With its focus on r...
Initiative is a general English course which meets the needs of more advanced learners. It is particularly suitable for students pursuing English as part of their academic studies. With its focus on r...