lokasi : AVR 153 ........
The study examines the fiction of Black Women’s Renaissance. It focuses on the novels of the 1980s, which appreciated “culture-bearing” mothers as reproducers of the nation, to analyze the vexed...
The Champions -Danger Man...
"The objective of this book is to outline how a radically democratic politics can be reinvigorated in theory and practice through the use of the internet. The author argues that politics in its proper...
"This book argues that John Dewey should be read as a philosopher of globalization rather than as a 'local' American philosopher. Although Dewey's political philosophy was rooted in late nineteenth an...
In The Birth of Energy Cara New Daggett traces the genealogy of contemporary notions of energy back to the nineteenth-century science of thermodynamics to challenge the underlying logic that informs t...
Bordering intimacy is a study of how borders and dominant forms of intimacy, such as family, are central to the governance of postcolonial states such as Britain. The book explores the connected histo...
Spectacle 2.0 recasts Debord's theory of spectacle within the frame of 21st century digital capitalism. It offers a reassessment of Debord’s original notion of Spectacle from the late 1960s, of its ...
Subtitle : Indonesia, English...
double layer DVD....
My Fair Lady adalah sebuah film drama musikal Amerika tahun 1964yang diadaptasi dari musikal panggung Lerner dan Loewe tahun 1956 berdasarkanpanggung tahun 1913 karya George Bernard Shaw Pygmalion. 00...
While investigating a gold magnate's smuggling, James Bond uncovers a plot to contaminate the Fort Knox gold reserve....
Kisah kehidupan sekolah anak perempuan. Siswi-siswi di sekolah itu merupakan siswi yang 'bengal'. Kepala sekolah mereka berusaha menerapkan kurikulum yang sesuai agar kelak mereka bisa menghadapi duni...
2046 adalah nomor kamar hotel dalam In the Mood for Love di mana tokoh-tokoh Tony Leung dan Maggie Cheung bertemu untuk menulis seri kung fu mereka. Dalam film 2046, "2046" adalah nomor kamar hotel...
JK FICTION Num copies: 001....
subtitle English& Indonesian...
Satrio (Ario Bayu) and Natasha (Carissa Puteri) met in an incident. Satrio who is interested in Natasha decides to help her to find the owner of the book that was given by her mom, which turns out to ...
Pemulihan planet Gaia terhambat karena munculnya penyakit Geostigma pada anak-anak. Konflik pun terjadi ketika tiga pria misterius menculik dan mencuci otak anak-anak tersebut. Seorang mantan tentara ...