- John Locke on Character Building (Daya Negri Wijaya) - Pendidikan Karakter dan Multikultural : Pilar-pilar Pendidikan dan Kebangsaan di Indonesia (Maryaeni) - Kemahiran Insaniah dalam Proses Penga...
Contents Editor's Corner How to be superhero engaging student with learning disabilities in our clasroom Essay "Your Professor will know you a person" evaluating and rethinking the relation...
contents Essay why Assessment Will Never Work at Many Business SchoolsA Call for Better Utilization of Pedagogical Research The Reality of Assessment in Business Schools Rejoinder to “Why A...
When a criminal mastermind uses a trio of orphan girls as pawns for a grand scheme, he finds their love is profoundly changing him for the better....
Novel.; In Indonesian.; "Novel terbaik Islamic Book Fair Award."; Revision of the author's Istana kedua.; [1] Tak kusimpan rahasia pada Hawa, meski tak juga kuceritakan semua bahwa padanya hanya ada s...
1. Pertunjukan sastra lisan wayak masyarakat lampung barat (Armina) 2. Manifestation of politeness and affective system in linguistic forms: addres terms in javanese (Bambang kartono) 3. Citraan sub...
edited by Martin D. Ruck Michele Peterson-Badali, and Michael Freeman....
edited by Larisa V. Shavinina....
by David Kirk Dirlam....
Douglas Bourn....
1. Revisit Causality in Muslim Theological and Philosophical Works and Malay Muslim Thoughts of Causality (Ibrahim Abu Bakar) 2. Peranan Tamadun Islam di Institut Pendidikan Guru dalam Pembangunan Mo...
edited by Drew H. Gitomer and Courtney A. Bell....
edited by Masashi Tsujimoto and Yoko Yamasaki....
by Pak Tee Ng....
Joy Schaverien....
Frances Kelly....
Margaret Foley-McCabe and Patricia González-Flores....