1. Investigating Declarative Knowledge of Professional Translators (Nababan) 2. The Role of Interpreter in Developing International Trading of Rattan Furniture: a case study at Trangsan Village, Gata...
1. analisis tema cerita rakyat berbahasa Tonea: Suatu ungkapan pola pikir masyarakat Tonsea (Maya P. Warouw) 2. Pola klasifikasi kosakata dalam wacana kampanye calon gubernur dan wakil gubernur Sulaw...
Contents : Editor's Corner : - From Persona Non Grata to Mainstream: The Use of Film in Management Teaching as an Example of How the Discipline of Management Education Is Changing (Jon Billsberry) ...
1. Paradigms: How Far Does Research in Distributed Leadership 'Stretch'? (David Hartley) 2. Distributed Curriculum Leadership in Action: A Hong Kong Case Study (Edmand Law, Maurice Galton and Sally W...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 625-639).; Commentaries on legislative documents of the Indonesian 1945 Constitution.; In Indonesian, and two texts in English.;...
"Produced in association with Amnesty International."...
Previous edition, 1987....
JK 025.84 Num copies: 002....