Refleksi tradisi orang rimba dalam dongeng " Bujang Kelingking " dan : Anak Dewa Padi " : Perspektif sosiologis ( The reflection of Orang Rimba Traditions in the folktales of " Bujang Kelingking " an...
Kajian struktural genetik lucien goldmann dalam novel dian yang tak kunjung padam karya sutan takdir alisjahbana (budi agung sudarmanto) Wawacan raden abdullah, cerita pendek kotala dam kelengkapan t...
Allan Leslie White & Wahyudi 1-2 Editorial Fadjar Shadiq 3-17 how can seameo qitep in mathematics help indonesian mathematics teachers to help their students to be independent learners in the case...
The publishing of book titled "Mosaic of Cultural Heritage Yogyakarta is an effort to introduce various cultural heritages that may not be known widely in Yogyakarta Yogyakarta has a long history that...
Daftar Isi 1-10 Analisis Tipikal Kekerasan pada Anak dan Faktor yang Melatarbelakanginya 11-16 Profil Kreativitas Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun 17-27 Pembentukan dan Transformasi Core Values di Sekolah Alam ...
Daftar isi: 1.Fiber Disruption of Betung Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Asper) by Combined Fungal And Microwave Pretreatment 2. Effect of Substrate Moisture and Invasite Grass Compatition of Native Fig (Ficu...
International Express is a two-level general English course for working adults at pre-intermediate and intermediate level. It has been designed to meet the practical language needs of professional adu...
Includes bibliography (p. 181-185) and index.; Standards and competency based education in Indonesia towards the 21st century.;...
Daftar Isi 1. Video and Language learning (Maribel montero perez and michael p.h. Rodgers) 2.Gist watching can only take you so far : attitudes, strategies and changes in behaviour in watching f...
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.;...
Linda Pound and Trisha Lee....
Pam Burnard and Regina Murphy, with Emily Akuno, James Biddulph, Deborah Blair, Jenny Boyack, Marcelo Giglio, Gillian Howell, Kathryn Marsh, Alex Ruthmann, Rena Upitis, and Jane Wheeler....
With this book we reflect on our journey as a cultural organization that is rum by individuals who, fuelled by their passion for film and storytelling across and within cultures, volunteer their time ...
Facsim. of: 2nd ed., London: Chapman and Hall, 1846....
Includes bibliographical references and index...