This book assesses the impacts of COVID-19 on the Indonesian economy, particularly on employment, education, poverty, trade, and macro economy. The book explains how fiscal and monetary stimulus work ...
Sistem Kearsipan Elektronik (Electronic Filing System) merupakan aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengelola arsip elektonik di kantor. Efektivitas dalam pelayanan arsip dan efisiensi dalam pengelolaan me...
achievement test answer key....
With answer keys...
Daftar isi: 1. Optimasi Penjadwalan Operasi Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik Di Jawa-Bali Dengan Pendekatan Algoritma ABC (Artificial Bee Colony) 2. Nilai Kapasitas Dasar Ruas Jalan Tol Semanggi Berdasa...
This open access book provides the first critical history of the controversy over whether to cull wild badgers to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British cattle. This question has p...
London is one of the world’s leading cities. It is home to an extraordinary concentration and diversity of people, industries, politics, religions and ideas, and plays an important role in our highl...
This insightful collection of essays explores the ways in which open education can democratise access to education for all. It is a rich resource that offers both research and case studies to relate t...
Bordering intimacy is a study of how borders and dominant forms of intimacy, such as family, are central to the governance of postcolonial states such as Britain. The book explores the connected histo...
Coffeeshops are the most famous example of Dutch tolerance. But in fact, these cannabis distributors are highly regulated. Coffeeshops are permitted to break the law, but not the rules. On the premise...
Built in the 1890s at the center of the nation, Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary was designed specifically to be a replica of the US Capitol Building. But why? The Prison of Democracy explains the pol...
This book explores how predictive policing transforms police work. Police departments around the world have started to use data-driven applications to produce crime forecasts and intervene into the fu...
Daftar isi Jurnal penelitian : sejarah dan budaya volume 6 nomor 1, Mei 2020 antara lain 1. Kearifan Lokal dalam Pembuatan Kapal Bagan di Nagari Sungai Nyalo Mudiak Aia Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan 198...
Contents Biotropia : the southeast Asian journal of tropical biology volume 25 nomor 2 August 2018: 1. Flora Diversity, Composition And Ecology In Besiq Bermai Tropical Forest Of Damai District, Eas...
Rutinitas seorang anak Sekolah Dasar dari daerah Tilamuta, Boalemo, Gorontalo....
EDITORS' COLUMN Breaking through without crashing through 543 Katty Lund Deand and jeanie M. Farray ARTICLES If You Dont.t care. then why should I? The In...
Buku ini tidak hanya menguraikan sisi teori perkembangan hukum ekonomi internasional, melainkan juga membahas sisi praktik hukum ekonomi internasional yang telah berkembang sangat pesat, dimana aktivi...