This guidebook are presenting that documents and shares the wealth of Indonesia's cultural assets, American Express and its Foundation are proud to join the Indonesian Heritage Society...
Pengantar oleh Ajip Rosidi...
DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR REDAKSI ............................................................................................ iii UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH ....................................................
1. Konsep Pengembangan Museum Balla Lompoa Sungguminasa di Kabupaten Gowa : Media Publikasi Arkeologi = The Development Concept for Museum Balla Lompoa Sungguminasa in Kabupaten Gowa : Media of Archa...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Hunayn bin Ishaq dan Sejarah Penerjemahan Ilmu Pengetahuan ke dalam Bahasa Arab (Maman Lesmana) 2. Nilai-nilai Moral dalam Karya Sastra Melayu Klasik Islam: kajian terhadap Hikayat Raj...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Historical Context of Research Universities in Thailand (Kreangchai Rungfamai) 2. Pendidikan dari Balai di Kampung Ayer ke Sekolah Moden di Darat, 1906-1941: kajian sejarah pendidikan ...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Learning for the Past: a contentious issue? (Qasim Ahmad) 2. Mengenal lebih dekat triad dan serikat rahasia Tiongkok (Tuty Enoch Muas) 3. Sejarah Sosio-Budaya Kraftangan di Brunei Dar...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Concepts of Wanua and Palili: the buginese political geography in confederation of Ajatappareng in South Sulawesi (Abd. Latif) 2. Imej Telur dan Ayam dalam Masyarakat Melayu Brunei: hu...
Allan Leslie White & Wahyudi 1-2 Editorial Fadjar Shadiq 3-17 how can seameo qitep in mathematics help indonesian mathematics teachers to help their students to be independent learners in the case...
1. Sumber Bahan dan Tradisi Alat Batu Awang Bangkal (Nia Marniati Etie Fajari) 2. Bark-Cloth and Bark-Cloth Beater from The Indonesian Archipelago (Sunarningsih) 3. Penggambaran Arsitektur Berkonstr...
Buku ini berisi tentang kumpulan lukisan di pameran bertema Linkage 20 Years OHD Museum. Ditulis oleh DR. Suwarno Wisetrotomo dengan judul Linkage 20 Years OHD dan Wahyudin dengan judul Infinite Postp...
Includes bibliographical references (p. 368-388) and index.; Thoughts of Yusuf Abul Mahasin Tajul Khalwati al-Maqassariy, 1626-1699, Indonesian ulama exiled by the Dutch during colonialism to Cape Tow...
This book tells about The folktale "Dayang Bandir and Sandean Raja" is from North Su matra. Dayang Bandir was a princess of the East Kingdom, and Sandean Raja was her younger brother. When the king pa...