Practicing Social Justice in Libraries provides practical strategies, tools, and resources to library and information workers and students who wish to drive change in their classrooms, institutions, a...
What skills are needed to ensure success as a school leader today? How do you ensure great teaching and learning is happening in your school? How do you build leadership capacity within your teams? To...
This book brings together a unique collection of chapters to facilitate a broad discussion on food education that will stimulate readers to think about key policies, recent research, curriculum positi...
The Teaching and Learning Playbook is a book and online resource containing more than 100 techniques that teachers and school leaders can use to drive improvements in their schools. Each technique inc...
Situating strategic planning and budgeting within the organization and administration of higher education institutions, this text provides effective and proven strategies for today’s change-oriented...
Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
Published in association with UNICEF....
1. Konsep Pengembangan Museum Balla Lompoa Sungguminasa di Kabupaten Gowa : Media Publikasi Arkeologi = The Development Concept for Museum Balla Lompoa Sungguminasa in Kabupaten Gowa : Media of Archa...
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Daftar Isi -Asean Regional Abitration Board: An Alternative Dispute Resolution In The Asean Region Within The Framework Of The Asean Economic Community -Charging Director Of Company With Personal B...
Daftar isi Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 3 nomor 3, Desember 2021 antara lain 1. Overexpression of Ga Gene Increases Growth and Hyposaline Tolerance in Kappaphycu...
Daftar Isi: 1. Development of Woodceramics from Tropical Flora 2. Site Indicator Species for Predicting the Productivity of Teak Plantations in Phrae Province, Thailand 3. Growth Perfomance of Di...
EDITORS' COLUMN Breaking through without crashing through 543 Katty Lund Deand and jeanie M. Farray ARTICLES If You Dont.t care. then why should I? The In...
Melalui kolaborasi dengan National Geographic Indonesia, publikasi ini menunjukkan pekerjaan yang dilakukkan di kawasan Candi Borobudur sejak terjadi letusan pada Oktober 2010. Publikasi inin menjadi ...
Pemberdayaan merupakan entry point bagi munculnya kemandirian suatu komunitas. Sementara salah satu paradigma pembangunan bertautan dengan orientasi menuju pemberdayaan komunitas. Untuk itu, seringkal...
The Republic of Korea is now bracing up for its next miracle. After the establishment of the Republic in 1948 and three years of the Korean War, it has made a remarkable economic growth and political ...
Daftar isi 1. Morfologi kota-kota di Priangan Timur pada abad XX-XXI; studi kasus kota Garut, Ciamis, dan Tasikmalaya Cities Morfologi in East Priangan of the 20th and 21th and Century: a case stud...