The invitation to serve as Minister of Education and lead a bold and significant reform of an education system never comes with an instruction manual. Leading such an opportunity effectively, requires...
Papers from the 1993 International Reading Conference How do children learnto read ?, held in University College of St. Martins, Lancaster....
big book for children...
JK FICTION Num copies: 001....
Pemulihan planet Gaia terhambat karena munculnya penyakit Geostigma pada anak-anak. Konflik pun terjadi ketika tiga pria misterius menculik dan mencuci otak anak-anak tersebut. Seorang mantan tentara ...
One of the noteworthy global achievements of the past two decades has been the remarkable increase in thenumber of children attending school and the number of children completing the primary cycle. A...
Mind Power for Children menawarkan beragam cara inovatif dan praktis untuk mengilhami anak-anak mennjadi versi terbaik diri mereka. Buku mencerahkan ini sarat dengan wawasan, saran, dan kisah-kisah ya...
1. Gaya Katon Bagaskara dalam Album 'Percaya Saja' (Suryo Handono) 2. Kakawin 'Abhimanyuwiwaha' Transformasi dari Parwa ke Kakawin (Sunarya) 3. Analisis Penerjemahan Puisi "Grodek" Karya Georg Trak...
Daftar isi : 1. Kajian Bahasa AS Sebagai Bahasa yang Hampir Punah di Distrik Makbon, Sorong, Papua Barat (The Study of As Language as One of Endangered Languages in Makbon District, Sorong, West Papu...
Daftar isi 1. Wanita dalam peringatan hari kartini:kajian pada opini rebuklika,kompas,dan jawa pos (Women in kartini commemoration: a study of opinion on rebuklika,kompas and jawa pos) Albert natas...
Daftar isi 1.Stimulasi Perkembangan Anak melalui Permainan Tradisional Suku Batak Toba Stimulation of Children Development truogh Batak Toba Traditional Games Ivo Yani 2.Pengembangan Budaya Ba...
Our students' success will be defined by their ability to read fluently and skilfully. But despite universal acceptance of reading's vital importance, the reading gap in our classroom remains, and it ...
Best practices currently advocate that education professionals consult and collaborate with colleagues across disciplines as a means of providing students and their families a comprehensive, developme...
Rethinking Schools and Renewing Energy for Learning presents a comprehensive view on the major challenges educators face in the 21st century, and the ways in which schools can make a difference. It de...
The National Curriculum focuses on promoting reading for pleasure and engaging pupils using a range of diverse and inclusive texts and materials. This text supports trainee teachers working towards pr...
This timely and accessible volline explores how our understanding of research in child development can help cattivate the knowledge, skills, and artitudes children need for informed and thoughtful par...