Transformasi perpustakaan Universitas Airlangga sebagai "Available Space": Upaya meningkatkan dan mendukung pembelajaran mahasiswa generasi net. (Sulistiorini) Pemanfaatan Media Sosial (Twitter) seba...
Pengantar Redaksi (181) Diseminasi Koleksi Lokal: Pembangunan Repositori Institusi Perpustakaan Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Chaidir Amir, Richie Cynthia Johan) - 185 Pe...
- Rumah seni cemeti sebagai kapitas budaya seni rupa kontemporer indonesia (oky arfie) - Perluasan definisi karya seni : interpretasi dimensi non-estetis dalam kapitas budaya (fristian hadinata) - R...
7-23 Rumah Seni Cemeti Sebagai Kapital Budaya Seni Rupa Kontemporer Indonesia 25-37 Perluasan Definisi Karya Seni: Interpretasi Dimensi Non-Estetis Dalam Kapital Budaya 39-55 Resistensi Raden Sa...
1. Early identification and intervention for children with initial signs of reading deficits - a blinded randomized controlled trial 13. Children's interpretations of covariation data: explanations r...
Introudction to he special issue: desiderata for a theory of multi-source multi-modal comprehension J.G. Cromley Empirical Articles Profiling reading in print and digital mediums L.M. Sing...
editors' introduction 3 Joseph R. Cimpian, Julie A. Marsh, Paco Martorell, and Morgan S. Polikoff charter schools in turnaround: competing institutional logics in the tennessee achievement school...
contents 1. the IFLA-UNESCO partnership 1947-2012 (Peter Johan Lor) 2. information-seeking by print media journalists in rajshahi, bangladesh (Md arman hossain and Md. Shariful islam) 3. digital ...
contents 1. the state of e-legal deposit in france: Looking back at five years of putting new legislation into practice and envisioning the future (Peter Stirling, Gildas Illien, Pascal Sanz and sh...
CONTENTS 1. poverty alleviation through strategic public library servics in nigeria in the 21st century: a model (bappah magaji abubakar) 2. uniting the corpus of our collections through visualiza...
Contents: Editorial Editor's Introduction (John Haman) Articels 1. This is Sparta! Mediated Mythology as Pedagogy in 300 (Adam W. Tyma) 2. Cyborg Resistance on the Digital Assembly Line: Global...
national digital content policies: a comparative study of arab and other countries the teachers' role in fostering independent learning in high schools in zanzibar connecting aga khan university...
Guest editorial : 1. IFLA Journal special issue on Cultural Heritage ( Douwe Drijfthout and Tanja de Boer ) Articles : 1. Indigeous cultural heritage preservation: A review essay with ideas for the...
CONTENTS Articles 1. Books in their suitcases: Leisure reading in the lives of Russian-speaking immigrants in Canada (Keren Dali) 2. Selection of Digital material for preservation in Libraries (Cla...
Daftar isi editorial 1. contextualizing versus internationalizing research on teacher education: competing or complementary goals? Stephanie L. Knight, Gwendolyn M. Lloyd, Fran Arbaugh, David Ga...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Corporate leadership in waiting: perencanaan scenario bai pengelolaan pengetahuan perusahaan semen di Indonesia menuju perusahaan kelas dunia Muhammad Hamsal 1...