James S. Bowman, Florida State University, Jonathan P. West, University of Miami....
Includes bibliographical references and index....
Bibliographical references: p329-344. - Includes bibliographies and indexPublished in association with the Open University...
Includes bibliography: p.328-344....
research, professional....
First published by Verso, 1988Bibliography: p399-411. - Includes index...
With answer...
JKLOC 306.095983 Num copies: 001....
JK 305.42 Num copies: 002....
Bibliography, p.93-100 Includes index...
Includes bibliographies and index...
Bibliography: p91-98. - Includes index...
JKR 297.1975 Num copies: 001....
Includes bibliographical references and index...
Previous ed.: 1993Includes bibliographical references and index...
Includes bibliograhical references and index...