Helping Parents Navigate the Early Childhood Education Enrollment Process: Experimental Evidence From New Orleans Lindsay Weixler, Jon Valant, Daphna Bassok, Justin B. Doromal, Alica Gerry School...
Editorial Beyond curse or blessing: the opportunities and challenges of aDNA analysis Naomi Sykes , Matthew Spriggs & Allowen Evin Article Genetics, archaeology and the far right: an unholy Trinit...
1. The Tweenies 2. Re-opening The Welsh Highland Railway 3. Strathcona Theatre Company 4. Holidays in Britain 5. Soundscape-A Day in the Life of London...
A collection of 15 papers by researchers in the fieldIncludes bibliographical references and index...
JKR 914.10014 Num copies: 001....
This volume aims to foster interaction between scholars in the subfields of Islamic and Buddhist studies by increasing understanding of the circulation and localization of religious texts, institution...
Analyzing the confluence between coloniality and activist art, Art Activism for an Anticolonial Future argues that there is much to gain from approaching contemporary politically committed art practic...
This book assesses the impacts of COVID-19 on the Indonesian economy, particularly on employment, education, poverty, trade, and macro economy. The book explains how fiscal and monetary stimulus work ...
Kata Pengantar Kumpulan Abstrak Leksikal Bahasa Sunda di Kabupaten Purwakarta: Regenerasi Penutur Bahasa Sunda. Sumbangan Penguasaan Diksi dan Motivasi Berprestasi Terhadap Kemampuan Menulias N...
Daftar Isi Metasastra : jurnal penelitian sastra volume 12 nomor 1, Juni 2020 antara lain 1. Martabat tujuh dalam Kitab Tarikat Sumedang : Kajian filologi dan analisis resepsi, Ade Kosasih 2. Wawaca...
CD 1 Units 1-10 CD 2 Units 11-20...
Daftar isi Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 3 nomor 3, Desember 2021 antara lain 1. Overexpression of Ga Gene Increases Growth and Hyposaline Tolerance in Kappaphycu...
In contrast to buildings divided by walls, monospace buildings are determined far less by its shell than by a reciprocal relationship between space and practices, objects, materials, and human bodies....
Using the lenses of realism, liberalism, the English School and constructivism, this book explains how the divisions and differences in African identities affect African international politics. This b...
This open access book provides the first critical history of the controversy over whether to cull wild badgers to control the spread of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in British cattle. This question has p...