This volume offers a critical overview of digital reading practices and scholarly efforts to analyze and understand reading in the mediatized landscape. Building on research about digital reading, bor...
This practical, engaging book offers design educators a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to design education and pedagogy in higher education. Featuring instructional strategies and case studies f...
With a focus on action, this book offers inspiration and pragmatic guidelines to higher education leaders and organisations that want to meet the demands of the changing landscape of knowledge, experi...
From the moment the first corporate university (CU) was created and the term was coined, the central metaphor of university has proved a double-edged sword. The emphasis on university has been a drivi...
In the World Library of Educationalists series, international experts themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, sal...
The Museums and Collections of Higher Education provides an analysis of the historic connections between materiality and higher education, developed through diverse examples of global practice. Out...
Theories of Early Childhood Education continues to provide a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical perspectives in early childhood education from developmental psychology to critical studi...
Buku Transformasi Budaya Organisasi ini ditampilkan sebagai explicit knowledge (ilmu sekolah) berdasarkan tacit knowledge (pengalaman lapangan). Jadi apa yang disampaikan bukan berdasarkan "apa kata b...
Apa kunci menuju keberhasilan? Apa yang membedakan antara orang dengan banyak pencapaian dan orang dengan pencapaian ala kadarnya saja? Apa yang mereka kerjakan setiap hari? Rahasianya ada di dalam bu...
Improving Schools with Blended Learning is specifically designed to address the important issues needed to successfully modernise education within the context of technological change. It does this by ...
Daftar isi Suluah Volume 24 No. 01, Desember 2021: 1. City Town On The Outskirts Of The Mentawai Islands: Muara Siberut in Historical Studies 1990-2019 2. Kesadaran Moral Kolektif dalam Sambey : Sas...
DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR REDAKSI ............................................................................................ iii UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH ....................................................
DAFTAR ISI 1. Concepts of Wanua and Palili: the buginese political geography in confederation of Ajatappareng in South Sulawesi (Abd. Latif) 2. Imej Telur dan Ayam dalam Masyarakat Melayu Brunei: hu...
Refleksi tradisi orang rimba dalam dongeng " Bujang Kelingking " dan : Anak Dewa Padi " : Perspektif sosiologis ( The reflection of Orang Rimba Traditions in the folktales of " Bujang Kelingking " an...
Allan Leslie White & Wahyudi 1-2 Editorial Fadjar Shadiq 3-17 how can seameo qitep in mathematics help indonesian mathematics teachers to help their students to be independent learners in the case...
Includes bibliography (p. 181-185) and index.; Standards and competency based education in Indonesia towards the 21st century.;...
Buku ini berisi memuat isu-isu kebangsaan yang pernah dituangkan oleh Moerdiono, juga menyajikan ide dan pemikiran beliau tentang birokrasi dan penguatan aparatur Negara terutama dalam buku ini membah...
Buku ini berisi mengenai isu-isu kebangsaan yang pernah dituangkan oleh Moerdiono dan juga menyajikan ide dan pemikiran beliau tentang birokrasi dan penguatan aparatur Negara terutama mengenai globali...
1. Whiteness as a Dissonant State: Exploring One White Male Student Teacher's Experiences in Urban Contexts 2. Developing Preservices Teacher's Instructional Design Skills Through Case-Based Instruct...
Daftar isi Jurnal Aksara: 1. Tembang Sandur Bojonegoro: Kekerasan BUdaya dan Arkeologi-Genealogi Pengetahuan 2. Motif Kargoisme dalanm Cerita Rakyat Fakfak: Sebuah Pendekatan Antropologi Sastra 3. ...