Experiential Learning Design comprehensively demonstrates the key theories and applications for the design of experiential approaches to learning and training. Learning is gradually moving away from m...
This book examines the intersections between children, education and geography. With a particular focus on children’s geographies and geographies of education, the book draws upon cutting-edge resea...
This book provides a systematic study of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) based on big data analysis, aiming to examine the contextual factors relevant to students’ digital ...
Situating strategic planning and budgeting within the organization and administration of higher education institutions, this text provides effective and proven strategies for today’s change-oriented...
The unprecedented rate of global, technological, and societal change calls for a radical, new understanding of literacy. This book offers a nuanced framework for making sense of literacy by addressing...
With a focus on action, this book offers inspiration and pragmatic guidelines to higher education leaders and organisations that want to meet the demands of the changing landscape of knowledge, experi...
From the moment the first corporate university (CU) was created and the term was coined, the central metaphor of university has proved a double-edged sword. The emphasis on university has been a drivi...
In the World Library of Educationalists series, international experts themselves compile career-long collections of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, sal...
The Museums and Collections of Higher Education provides an analysis of the historic connections between materiality and higher education, developed through diverse examples of global practice. Out...
This handbook is a unique and major resource on modern educators of Asia and their contribution to Asian educational development through the 19th and 20th centuries when modernization started in Asia....
Corporate University (CorpU) memiliki peran strategis dalam membangun organisasi pembelajar melalui pengintegrasian seluruh inisiatif pengembangan SDM dan organisasi sehingga diharapkan mampu berkontr...
Suatu tulisan tentang apa itu Public Performance di dunia musik yang selama ini seringkali disalahartikan sebagai performing, padahal konvensi internasional tidak menyebutnya demikian, termasuk pula k...
Kita saat ini hidup di era yang sarat dengan ketidaktentuan yang dibumbui fenomena disrupsi teknologi. Dengan lanskap seperti itu, perusahaan harus bisa beperilaku adaptif terhadap perubahan agar tida...
Improving Schools with Blended Learning is specifically designed to address the important issues needed to successfully modernise education within the context of technological change. It does this by ...
Perawatan dan pendidikan anak usia dini telah menjadi perhatian utama bagi para pembuat kebijakan dan pemangku kepentingan pendidikan. Semakin banyak bukti penelitian mengenai manfaatnya bagi kapasita...
Includes bibliography (p. 181-185) and index.; Standards and competency based education in Indonesia towards the 21st century.;...
With this book we reflect on our journey as a cultural organization that is rum by individuals who, fuelled by their passion for film and storytelling across and within cultures, volunteer their time ...
Inclusion and education: All means all identifies the practices in governance and finance; curricula, textbooks, and assessments; teacher education; school infrastructure; and relations with students,...
The invitation to serve as Minister of Education and lead a bold and significant reform of an education system never comes with an instruction manual. Leading such an opportunity effectively, requires...
Laporan Pemantauan Pendidikan Global 2020 melihat mekanisme sosial, ekonomi dan budaya yang mendiskriminasikan anak - anak yang tertinggal, anak muda dan dewasa yang menjauhkan mereka dari pendidikan ...
Daftar Isi: -Evaluasi kinerja pegawai di pesantren (studi kasus di PPMI Assalam tahun 2018-2019 -Knowledge Management sebagai upaya pengembangan Learning Organization di Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa A...
Previous editions entitles: Designing organizations, the foundations forexcellenceIncludes bibliographical references and indexundergraduate postgraduate research, professional...