Teachers are now expected to use technology to enhance students’ learning, but what does this mean in the classroom and how can you apply it effectively to subject teaching? This book, for pre-serv...
Meeting a tremendous need for K–8 schools and educators, this timely book outlines core principles for counteracting the disruptions of the pandemic and recovering from learning loss. The authors pr...
Engaging Learners through Zoom delivers numerous practical strategies and helpful advice on how to engage students virtually. Many of the tools are also applicable in face-to-face and hybrid environme...
The concept of small teaching is simple: small and strategic changes have enormous power to improve student learning. Instructors face unique and specific challenges when teaching an online course. Th...
Exploring what academic podcasting is and what it could be, this book is the first to consider the why, what, and how academics engage with this insurgent, curious craft. Featuring interviews with ...
Critical Thinking provides language teachers with a dynamic framework for encouraging critical thinking skills in explicit, systematic ways during their lessons. With the proliferation of fallaciou...
Reading Success in the Early Primary Years is a step-by-step guide to structured literacy instruction for teachers working in the early years of primary school. Written by a teacher, for teachers, thi...
Moving away from a traditional ‘one size fits all’ approach, this thesis guide encourages readers to find their own path to submission, demonstrating that the process of writing is as unique as th...
Learning for the Age of Artificial Intelligence is a richly informed argument for curricular change to educate people towards achievement and success as intelligent machine systems proliferate. Descri...
This book provides critical commentary on key issues around virtual reality, using media technology as a tool to challenge perspectives for learning and understanding cultural diversities. With a f...
Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Throug...
This practical guide to online teaching is for kindergarten teachers and primary or elementary teachers. It is based on research, teacher interviews, and the author’s real-world experience working i...
The unprecedented rate of global, technological, and societal change calls for a radical, new understanding of literacy. This book offers a nuanced framework for making sense of literacy by addressing...
Daftar Isi: 1. Menggali Informasi dari Koleksi Molar Bovidae dan Cervidae dari Sangiran untuk Memahami Habitat Homo Erectus 2. Identifikasi Fosil Lobster Lumpur Thalassina Anomala Palsu dari Situs S...
Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
Theories of Early Childhood Education continues to provide a comprehensive overview of the various theoretical perspectives in early childhood education from developmental psychology to critical studi...
Riset kualitatif adalah cara untuk mengungkap makna atau cerita dari sebuah fenomena. Banyak riset kualitatif yang dipertanyakan mulai dari subjektivitas, keabsahan hingga hasilnya apakah bisa digener...
Services Marketing adalah sebuah buku teks terkemuka yang memaparkan secara komprehensif hasil riset terbaru, tren industri, teknologi, media sosial, dan kasus global yang berkaitan dengan bisnis laya...
Namanya Ali, 15 tahun, kelas X. Jika saja orangtuanya mengizinkan, seharusnya dia sudah duduk di tingkat akhir ilmu fisika program doktor di universitas ternama. Ali tidak menyukai sekolahnya, guru-gu...
Dalam manajemen sudah menjadi suatu keharusan untuk menjadikan penjaminan mutu sebagai tonggak (milestone) dari suatu pengembangan. Pernyataan tersebut benar, apabila pengembangan merupakan perubahan ...
Buku ini memberikan gambaran tentang perempuan yang kurang mendapatkan manfaat dari teknologi yang berkembang. Kesenjangan digital yang dialaminya telah menyebabkan perempuan terbelakang dalam berbaga...
Awalnya kami hanya mengikuti karyawisata biasa seperti murid-murid sekolah lain. Hingga Ali, dengan kejeniusan dan keisengannya, memutuskan menyelidiki sebuah ruangan kuno. Kami tiba di bagian dunia p...