Daftar Isi 1. Students' Use of Graphs in Understanding the Concepts of Derivative 2. Exploring the Introduction of Computational Thinking in STEM Education in Australian Schools 3. Fragmentation of...
Daftar isi Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Asia Tenggara Volume 12 Nomor 1, Juni 2022 1. Students' Creativity Profiles in Constructing Independent Gates Learning Acrivity Using 4Dframe 2. Enhancing Mat...
Article Regulating private support for public goods: de-clubbing public schools Susanna Schaller & Elizabeth Nisbet All against all competition: the incorporation of the International Baccalaureate...
Contents about: 1. Context is everything: reflections on CLIL in the UK 2. Is the English baccalaureate( EBacc) helping participation in language learning in secondary schools in england? 3. Curric...
Daftar Isi: 1. Analysis of accuracy in the writing of EFL students enrolled on CLIL and non-CLIL programmes: the impact of grade and gender 2. Meaningful and Contextualised grammar instruction: what...
Content: 1. An Honors Teacher Like Me: Effects of Access to Same-Race Teachers on Black Students Advanced-Track Enrollment and Performance. [Cassandra M. D. Hart] 2. Long-Run Changes in Underrepre...
1. Perintisan Model Sekolah Sehat di Sekolah Dasar sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kesehatan Warga Sekolah di Kabupaten Pangkep Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan (Pawennari Hijjang) 2. Pengembangan Computer Aided ...
1. Pengembangan bahan ajar tematik digital berbasis microsoft sway untuk kelas v di kecamatan Pucakwangi 2. efektivitas pembelajaran ekonomi melalui aplikasi Quizizz di era pandemi 3. Perencangan au...
1. Model Diklat daring guru kejuruan pada mata diklat perencanaan jaringan komputer di BBPPMPV BOE Malang 2. Pengembangan blog sekolah terintegrasi dengan rumah belajar 3. Ketertarikan, perhatian, p...
1. Kompetisi guru sekolah penggerak dalam menyusun modul ajar kurikulum merdeka 2. Pengembangan media pembelajaran dengan menggunakan google sites dalam pembelajaran teks biografi kelas x SMA 3. P...
Mentalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Daftar Isi Antaralain: 1.Hedges And Boosters On Covid19.Go.Id:A Study Of Doubts And Certainly In Educational Contetnt ( Hedges And Boosters Dalam Lawan Covid19.Go...
Content: 1. Penerapan Mind Maps Und Stichworter dalam meningkatkan keterampilan Menulis wacana Bahasa Jerman di SMA Negri 4 Bantimurung-Maros [Abdul Aziz] 2. Influence of Contextual Teaching Learn...
Metalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa daftar isi antaralain:: 1. Showing Explicit Presence In English Research Articles: Variation Across Indonesian And British Authors (Menampilkan Kehadiran Eksplisit...
The Heart of Learning memberikan panduan yang berpusat pada hati dan informasi penting untuk mengajar anak-anak kecil dan untuk menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang mendukung dan efektif. Buku klasik p...
This book analyses the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) described as the "Garden of Knowledge and Virtue" and its multi-dimensional features. The University provides excellent educatio...
This fourth edition of Museum Basics has been produced for use in the many museums worldwide that operate with few professional staff and limited resources. The fourth edition has been fully updated t...
How should curriculum designers translate abstract learning outcomes into engaging learning experiences that get results? What is the right balance between depth and breadth or between content and ski...
Strongly grounded in research and rich with practical examples for educators, this book demonstrates the importance and benefits of kinaesthetic learning in young children’s learning and development...
Do you sometimes wonder what you and your school stand for? Have you ever felt that important issues lurk beneath the surface, but you lack the capacity to bring them into focus? Tilting Education wil...
Foundations of Educational Technology offers a fresh, interdisciplinary, problem-centered approach to educational technology, learning design, and instructional systems development. As the implementat...
Buku pertama dari tiga buku Menuju Indonesia 2045 ini adalah Basil kajian Lemannas yang berfokus pada aspek SDM dan teknologi untuk merealisasikan visi seabad Indonesia merdeka. Untuk menjadi negara m...
Educational technology is now ubiquitous in schooling, both in P-12 and at universities. Despite the imposition of technology in most aspects of teaching and learning, little attention has been given ...