On cover and title-page: Children Act 1989....
A guide for parents on using books and libraries with children under five....
JK 344.04465 Num copies: 001....
Editorial Journal of education policy – 1985–2020 Stephen J. Ball Article Apocalyptic public health: exploring discourses of fatness in childhood ‘obesity’ policy Sarah Gillborn, Bridgett...
Contents Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 24 nomor 1, April 2017: 1. Histological Analysis Of In Vitro Cultured Coconut Endosperm 2. Isolation Of Endophytic Fungi ...
JK 636.5 Num copies: 001....
The 10th anniversary of the UNESCO 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions provides its Parties and non governmental stakeholders with a significant op...
Logistik dapat menentukan maju mundurnya perekonomian suatu negara. Negara yang memiliki indikator kinerja logistik yang tinggi, kecenderungannya memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi dan kualitas pembangunan ...
In The Customer Education Playbook: How Leading Companies Engage, Convert, and Retain Customers, customer learning experts Barry Kelly and Daniel Quick explain how teaching customers to best engage wi...
A shocking statistic in education reveals that 70% of K-12 teachers work under chronic stress. This revolutionary new book explains how removing stress from the classroom holds the key to improving ed...
Focusing on teaching and learning in educational institutions, Transforming Professional Practice in Education explores the value of enhancing dialogue to improve both professional relationships and p...
Practicing Social Justice in Libraries provides practical strategies, tools, and resources to library and information workers and students who wish to drive change in their classrooms, institutions, a...
This book brings together a unique collection of chapters to facilitate a broad discussion on food education that will stimulate readers to think about key policies, recent research, curriculum positi...
Understanding Intellectual Disability: A Guide for Professionals and Parents supports professionals and parents in understanding critical concepts, correct assessment procedures, delicate and science-...
This book examines teachers’ work in the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, where educators grappled with a worldwide virus that profoundly affected teaching and learning. This difficult situ...
COVID-19: Cultural Change and Institutional Adaptations provides critical insights into the impact of the pandemic on the relationship between cultures and institutions. The scholarship presented i...
Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
Services Marketing adalah sebuah buku teks terkemuka yang memaparkan secara komprehensif hasil riset terbaru, tren industri, teknologi, media sosial, dan kasus global yang berkaitan dengan bisnis laya...
Apa kunci menuju keberhasilan? Apa yang membedakan antara orang dengan banyak pencapaian dan orang dengan pencapaian ala kadarnya saja? Apa yang mereka kerjakan setiap hari? Rahasianya ada di dalam bu...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Concepts of Wanua and Palili: the buginese political geography in confederation of Ajatappareng in South Sulawesi (Abd. Latif) 2. Imej Telur dan Ayam dalam Masyarakat Melayu Brunei: hu...
JK 610.28 Num copies: 001....