Community-based research (CBR) refers to collaborative investigation by academics and non-academic community members that fosters positive change on a local level. Despite recent trends toward engaged...
On controversial local government laws in Indonesia.; Includes bibliographical references (p. [193]-195).;...
DAFTAR ISI PENGANTAR REDAKSI ............................................................................................ iii UCAPAN TERIMA KASIH ....................................................
Refleksi tradisi orang rimba dalam dongeng " Bujang Kelingking " dan : Anak Dewa Padi " : Perspektif sosiologis ( The reflection of Orang Rimba Traditions in the folktales of " Bujang Kelingking " an...
Kincir air adalah warisan masyarakat Nusantara yang perlu kita ketahui. Sekalipun sudah sangat jarang digunakan dalam praktik kehidupan dewasa ini , tetapi sebagai sebuah kearifan lokal atau local gen...
Sumber pendapatan kesultanan Bulungan selama ini hanya bisa untuk menopang keberadaan kesultanan sebagai simbol eksistensi politik dalam struk tur kekuasaan raja-raja di Kalimantan Timur. Tidak pernah...
Komunitas adat secara umum merupakan kelompok masyarakat yang sebagian besar masyarakatnya masih hidup secara tradisional dengan tetap mempertahankan kepercayaan-kepercayaan lokal (local religion) yan...
Buku ini terdiri dari 3 bahasa. Bahasa Melayu (Deli dan Serdang), Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris. Menceritakan berbagai kisah tentang asal usul suatu daerah, tentang panglima dan beberapa tokoh ...
Daftar isi Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 28 nomor 2, Agustus 2021 antara lain 1. GROWTH OF BLACK SOLDIER FLY LARVAE ( Hermetia illucens ) FED WITH PAK CHOI ( Bras...
Daftar Isi: 1. Local Knowledge of Cipatat Kolot on The Climate Adaptation: Seed, Organic Fertilizer, and Harvest Proccessing 2. Kampung Angklung di Ciamis: Penjaga Ekosistem Budaya Angklung 3. Tu...
"Cambridge Examinations Publishing"- at head of cover title...
This volume aims to foster interaction between scholars in the subfields of Islamic and Buddhist studies by increasing understanding of the circulation and localization of religious texts, institution...
Rethinking the ways global history is envisioned and conceptualized in diverse countries such as China, Japan, Mexico or Spain, this collections considers how global issues are connected with our loca...
This book assesses the impacts of COVID-19 on the Indonesian economy, particularly on employment, education, poverty, trade, and macro economy. The book explains how fiscal and monetary stimulus work ...
"This book argues that John Dewey should be read as a philosopher of globalization rather than as a 'local' American philosopher. Although Dewey's political philosophy was rooted in late nineteenth an...
Daftar isi: 1. Bentuk, Fungsi dan Makna Eufemisme Dalam Bahasa Tae’ (The Form, Function, and Meaning of Euphemism in Tae’ Language) (Jusmianti Garing) 2. Fungsi dan Makna Na Dalam Bahasa Makassa...
Explaining clearly and concisely the technique of place-name study, this book, as for both the serious local historian and anyone with a passing interest in the subject. One thing is certain, you will...
he book explores the idea that pedagogy for autonomy requires the integration of teacher and learner development and can be enhanced through a case-based approach in teacher education. A case-based...