Buku berbahasa Mori-Indonesia...
Daftar Isi : 1. Rural works and days - a subaltern perspective 2. Rural time 3. To reap a rich harvest: experiencing agricultural labour in ancient Greece 4. Weaving rural economies: textile pro...
Editorial Necrogeography and necroscapes: living with the dead Sarah Semple & Stuart Brookes Article Ancient history and new beginnings: necrogeography and migration in the North American midcon...
Content: 1. Margins of the centre or critical peripheries? [Lisa Janz and James Conolly] 2. The spread of metal and metal production technology in the Far Northeast and Alaska over the second mill...
contents obituary 445 brian davies 1938-2020 john evans articles 447 how inclusion became exclusion: policy, teachers and inclusive education elizabeth j. done and mandy j. andrews ...
Editorial Journal of education policy – 1985–2020 Stephen J. Ball Article Apocalyptic public health: exploring discourses of fatness in childhood ‘obesity’ policy Sarah Gillborn, Bridgett...
1. The History and Future of Migrationist Explanations in the Archeology of the Eastern Woodlands with a Synthetic Model of Woodlans Period Migrations on the Gulf Coast 2. From the neolithic to thr B...
Contents : Editors' Column : - Breaking Through Without Crashing Through (Kathy Lund Dean and Jeanie M. Forray) Articles : - If you Don't Care, Then Why Should I? The Influence of Instructor Commi...
Menceritakan tentang suasan Kampung Pasie Kumba (Kampung Seperti Pasir) dengan segala kebiasaan anak sehari-hari...
pada buku ini merupakan wujud perpaduan dati kolaborasi, sinkronisasi dan sinergi antar lembaga sebagai bahan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat, buku ini dapat menjadi sumber informasi yang bermanfaat men...
Kamus ini berisi kosakata bahasa Muna dalam beragam topik, di antaranya tentang angka, hewan, warna, astronomi, alat musik, kesenian, dan sastra, yang akan menambah wawasan anak-anak...
Daftar isi: 1. Presuppositions in Beauty and The Beast Movie by Stephen Chobsky and Eva Spiliotopoulos 2. Pergeseran Etika Berbahasa Jawa di Kalangan Remaja 3. Analyzing Bilingual Language in Kelua...
Daftar Isi: 1. Ikhtisar Peradaban Kota Denpasar sebagai Kota Pusaka berdasarkan Data Cagar Budaya 2. Geologi Situs Gua Mardua, Kabupaten Kutai Timur, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur 3. Bangunan Mes TNI ...
Contents Biotropia : the southeast asian journal of tropical biology volume 24 nomor 1, April 2017: 1. Histological Analysis Of In Vitro Cultured Coconut Endosperm 2. Isolation Of Endophytic Fungi ...
Daftar isi Mlangun : jurnal ilmiah kebahasaan dan kesastraan volume 18 nomor 1, Juni 2021 antara lain 1. Pembelajaran menceritakan kembali isi teks fabel dengan media audiovisual 2. Kesalahan berbah...
Daftar Isi: 1. Predictors of Employability of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics Graduates 2. Growth Mindset in Mathematics among Ninth-Grade Students via 5Ps Learning Model ...
Daftar isi Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Asia Tenggara Volume 12 Nomor 1, Juni 2022 1. Students' Creativity Profiles in Constructing Independent Gates Learning Acrivity Using 4Dframe 2. Enhancing Mat...
Jurnal penelitian sejarah dan budaya volume 7, nomor 1, Mei 2021 : 1. Suran di Tengah Pageblug: Dampak Covid-19 Terhadap Tradisi Jawa pada Masa Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru 2. Jejak Wali Limbung dan Trad...
Article Regulating private support for public goods: de-clubbing public schools Susanna Schaller & Elizabeth Nisbet All against all competition: the incorporation of the International Baccalaureate...
Daftar Isi: 1. Menarasikan Ulang Label Koleksi Arca Camundi di Pusat Informasi Majapahit: Sebuah Tinjauan Biografi Benda 2. Tinggalan Arkeologi Masa Hindu-Budha Di Lasem: Sebuah Kajian Filoarkeolog...