Buku ini diterbitkan dengan dua tujuan utama: Pertama, sebagai catatan nostalgia para alumni pendidikan guru di Tomohon khususnya Christelijke Normaal School Kuranga/Sekolah Guru Kristen Tomohon dan S...
Contents : Editors' Column : - Breaking Through Without Crashing Through (Kathy Lund Dean and Jeanie M. Forray) Articles : - If you Don't Care, Then Why Should I? The Influence of Instructor Commi...
Teak at Mala Ayer Forest Reserve Plantations, Perlis, Malaysia. Tapering trunks reach for the sky in a crown of sparse verdure rejoicing in the morning sun....
EDITORS' COLUMN Breaking through without crashing through 543 Katty Lund Deand and jeanie M. Farray ARTICLES If You Dont.t care. then why should I? The In...
Daftar isi 1. Wanita dalam peringatan hari kartini:kajian pada opini rebuklika,kompas,dan jawa pos (Women in kartini commemoration: a study of opinion on rebuklika,kompas and jawa pos) Albert natas...
Transformasi digital adalah keniscayaan, tidak mungkin mundur. Pasti. Pilihannya hanya take it or leave it. Transformasi digital dipicu lima tren teknologi informasi (TI), yaitu : big data, social med...
racial and ethnic discrimination in the labor market for child care teacher 394 worsening school segregation for latino children? 407 bruce fuller, yoonjeon kim, claudia galindo, shruti bathia, ma...
32. photographs by maggie steber 58. photographs by amy toensing 76. photographs by michael melford 96. photographs by david liittschwager 112. photographs by william albert allard 140. photo by ...
Editorial : 1. A Forum for the Science Education Community's Continual Self-Renewal ( Sherry A. Southerland and John Settlage ) Research Articles : 1. Development of an Empirically Based Learning ...
Editorial Taking the Long View on the Publication Process (Kathy Lund Dean and Jeanie M. Forray Theoretical/Conceptual Work Understanding and Reducing the Impact of Defensiveness of Management Le...
Includes bibliographical references and index.;...
Includes index.A...
JK 941.083 Num copies: 001....