The Republic of Korea is now bracing up for its next miracle. After the establishment of the Republic in 1948 and three years of the Korean War, it has made a remarkable economic growth and political ...
Daftar isi 1. Wanita dalam peringatan hari kartini:kajian pada opini rebuklika,kompas,dan jawa pos (Women in kartini commemoration: a study of opinion on rebuklika,kompas and jawa pos) Albert natas...
Indonesia saat ini dihadapkan oleh berbagai potensi dan tantangan di masa depan seperti bonus demografi, Revolusi Industri 4.0 dengan teknologi Big Data, Al, Clouds dan Cyber, serta pandemi COVID-19. ...
`This book explores the future of doctoral research and what it means to be involved in all stages of the providing international insights into what's changing, why it's changing and how to work best ...
Feature Articles 493 - Socioeconomic Segregation and School Choice in American Public Schools Dave E. Marcotte and Kari Dalane 504 - The Price of Mission Complexity: A National Study of the Impac...
editorial 663 articles neena mahadev economic of conversion and ontologies of religious difference: buddhism, christianity, and adversarial political perceptian in sri lanka with ca comment 6...
promoting learner autonomy through the curriculum: principles for designing language courses skills with EAP classes 109 (Sara Cotterall) Modelling and cognitive apprenticeship in teacher education 1...
Editorial : 1. Interconnections in economic development and the free-flow of information as drivers for libraries and the information professions ( Steve Witt ) Articles : 1. Celebrating libraries ...
EDITORIAL: 1. International Perspectives on Leader Development: Definition and Design (Allan Walker, Philip Hallinger) ARTICLES: 1. International Patterns in Principal Preparation: Commonalities an...
1. Thirty years of information literacy (1977-2007): A termonological, conceptual and statistical analysis. (Mario Pinto, Jose Antonio Cordon and Raquel Gomez Diaz) 2. An Analysis of Knowledge manage...
CONTENTS Editorial (Alvin Pang and Marie Yeo) Articles: 1. Teaching Adolescents EFL by Integrating Think-Pair-Share and Reading Strategy Instruction: A Quasi-Experimental Study (Ying-Chun Shih an...
CONTENTS Editorial (Marie Yeo and Alvin Pang) Articles : 1. Assessing Learning Opportunities in EFL Classroom Interaction: What Can Conversation Analysis Tell Us? ( Marco Cancino) 2. Differences ...
contents : 1. Equality and justice in education policy by Meg Maguire 2. Mapping transgender policyscapes: a policy analysis of transgender inclusitivity in the education system in Ontario by Wayne ...
Articles : Pedagogy of the anxious: rethinking critical pedagogy the context of neoliberal autonomy and responsibilization Noah De Lissovoy New forms of government school provision - an interna...
Editorial Teacher education for critical democracy: understanding our commitments as design challenges and opportunities Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, and Robert Floden Articles ...
CONTENTS Research Articles - Learning in a Community of Practice: Factors Impacting English-Learning Student's Engagement in Scientific Argumentation: Maria Gonzalez-Howard and Katherine L. McNeil...
special section on "archaeometric approaches to the archaeology of northern hunter-gatherers"; guest edited by lan scharlotta, kristin safi, lindsey g. friedman. flexible approaches; adapting anal...
Feature Articles Twelfth annual brown lecture in education research So that any child may succeed: indigenous pathways toward justice and the promise of brown Teresa L. McCarty The relationship...
School improvement grants in ohio: effects on student achievement and school administration Deven Carlson and Stephane Lavertu The impacts of reading recovery at scale: results from the 4-year i...
When a princess with the power to turn things into ice curses her home in infinite winter, her sister, Anna teams up with a mountain man, his playful reindeer, and a snowman to change the weather cond...