Leading a learning community is a challenging endeavor that rewards those who build social-emotional and adaptive leadership competencies. In The Noble School Leader, veteran school leader and leaders...
Research into how we learn can help facilitate better student learning—if we know how to apply it. Small Teaching fills the gap in higher education literature between the primary research in cogniti...
Apply these eight learning principles for more effective teaching As educators in the ever-evolving landscape of higher education, we are continuously challenged to keep our courses effective, engagi...
Thriving in Part-Time Doctoral Study is a practical guide, designed to support part-time doctoral researchers in navigating their learning experience and providing them with the tools they need to suc...
Driving a shift in the way we think about entrepreneurial and teacher education, this book invites teachers to think and act as entrepreneurial innovators and lead meaningful change in everyday school...
Characteristics and Conditions for Innovative Teachers: International Perspectives is a must-read for all those with an interest in teacher education and in enabling teacher innovation. It provides a ...
What skills are needed to ensure success as a school leader today? How do you ensure great teaching and learning is happening in your school? How do you build leadership capacity within your teams? To...
Centered around the idea that literacy teaching is more than the transmission of strategies and skills, this volume serves as a foundation for approaching literacy from an identity perspective. Throug...
Pemupukan merupakan salah satu bagian penting dalam pemeliharaan tanaman. Nutrisi mineral yang ada di tanah akan diserap oleh akar tanaman, sehingga tanaman dapat memberikan produksi yang optimal. Aka...
Previous ed.: 1993...
Bab I Pendahuluan a. Tinjauan umum b. Lokasi Bab II Survei a. Situs kalianda b. Situs pugungharjo c. Situs air ringkih d. Situs bungin e. Situs batujaya dimuarajaya f. Situs jabung ...
Daftar Isi 1. Mempertimbangan Kembali Raja Pembaru Jawa: Analisis Fungsional Pada GayaPemerintaan Raja Airlangga Pada Abad Ke-11M 2. Asal-Usul, Bentuk, dan Eksistensi Tari Langsir Dari Etnik Haloban...
Previous ed. 1985....
Buku ini merupakan karya para penulis Kalimantan Tengah yang mengikuti kegiatan Sayembara Penulisan Bahan Bacaan Literasi Tingkat Membaca Lanjut Tahun 2019. Buku ini mengisahkan tentang arti perjuanga...
Sebagai karya seni, ragam hias ditemukan di berbagai belahan dunia. Sedemikian jauh peradaban ini terbang mengarungi samudra, menembus batas dunia, namun ia tetap bukan produk modernisme yang gegap ge...
Pandemi COVID19 bukanlah pandemi pertama yang disebabkan oleh virus. Sebutlah flu spanyol, cacar, hingga HIV yang telah menyebabkan jutaan kecacatan dan kematian. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan semakin mem...
JK 428.21 Num copies: 003.K T Relay 2 is for elemantary and early intermediate learners....