IKEA adalah perusahan ritel yang berasal dari SWEDIA. IKEA sudah berhasil membuka gerainya di 36 negara di dunia. Dengan menghadirkan desain yang berbeda dan harga yang terjangkau. Setiap tahun hampir...
BUKU otobiografi Pandapotan Maruli Asi Nababan, atau lebih dikenal Panda Nababan mengungkapkan kisah perjalanan hidupnya sejak masih berusia muda hingga berusia 70 tahun. Tak heran, buku Panda Nababan...
BUKU otobiografi Pandapotan Maruli Asi Nababan, atau lebih dikenal Panda Nababan mengungkapkan kisah perjalanan hidupnya sejak masih berusia muda hingga berusia 70 tahun. Tak heran, buku Panda Nababan...
1. Whiteness as a Dissonant State: Exploring One White Male Student Teacher's Experiences in Urban Contexts 2. Developing Preservices Teacher's Instructional Design Skills Through Case-Based Instruct...
One of the noteworthy global achievements of the past two decades has been the remarkable increase in thenumber of children attending school and the number of children completing the primary cycle. A...
Daftar Isi struktur dan makna frasa nominal dalam bahasa maanyan Dwiani Septiana bahasa lasalimu-kamaru: kajian dialektologi Firman A.D. penggunaan singkatan oleh mahasiswa dalam media ...
By 1986 the World Heritage Convention had recognized 247 sites as outstanding examples of their kind...
1. Membaca visual bendera parpol 2. Seni dan keindahan 3. Sejauh-jauh guru terbang, jatuhnya kekurikulum juga 4. Pergulatan antara mengajar dan menginspirasi 5. Inspirasi bagi guru seni budaya...
DAFTAR ISI Editorial 1. Leveraging Research for Teacher Education Policy, Design, and Practice. Gail Richmond and Robert E. Floden Articles 1. Are We Preparing or Training Teachers? Developing P...
Feature Articles 539. Is Free and Reduce-Price Lunch a Valid Measure of Educational Disadvantage ? 556. Is Teacher Sorting a Global Phenomenon ? cross-National Evidence on the Nature and Correlates ...
CONTENTS 171 Uncovering Hegemony in Higher Education: A Critical Appraisal of The Use of "Institutional Habitus" in Empirical Sholarship by Derria Byrd 211 Development of /motivational Variables...
Editorial A Call to action for teacher preparation programs: supporting critical conversation and democratic action in safe learning environments Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, Chezare...
Editorial Research that llluminates enduring dilemmas in teacher education Gail Richmond, Robert E. Floden, and Corey Drakte Articles Marching forward, marching in cirles: a history of pro...
Editorial Teacher education for critical democracy: understanding our commitments as design challenges and opportunities Dorinda J. Carter Andrews, Gail Richmond, and Robert Floden Articles ...
CONTENTS 335 Abibliometric Review of Research on Educational Administration: science maooing the literature, 1960 to 2018 by Philip Hallinger and Jasna Kovacevic 370 Is teacher qualification asso...
The costs and consequences of excess credit hours policies Dennis A. Kramer II, Michael R. Holcomb, and Robert Kelchen Does remediation work for all students? how the effects of postsecondary rem...
2. Siberia : in from the cold 40. Last days of the gulag ? 48. The gulag remembered 50. The golden hoard of batria 76. America's ancient skywatchers 109. The enigma of time...
2. Between monterey tides 44. Athapaskans along the yukon 73. A soviet sea lies dying 94. Common ground, different dreams : the U.S. Canada border 128. Chestnuts making comeback ?...
560. The search for our ancestors 624. Homo erectus unearted 630. Kluane: canada's icy wilderness park 658. The great good places...