Banyak investor, termasuk beberapa investor yang memiliki portofolio besar, hanya memiliki gambaran samar tentang cara kerja pasar saham. Buku ini mengklaim bahwa dasar-dasar investasi - dasar-dasar s...
JKR 428.42 Num copies: 002....
Mentalingau Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa Daftar Isi Antaralain: 1.Hedges And Boosters On Covid19.Go.Id:A Study Of Doubts And Certainly In Educational Contetnt ( Hedges And Boosters Dalam Lawan Covid19.Go...
Subtitles : English, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Thai...
Peter Lynch adalah manajer uang nomor satu di Amerika, mantranya: Investor biasa dapat menjadi ahli di bidangnya sendiri dan juga dapat memilih saham pemenangWall Street profesional hanya dengan melak...
This book sets out a new and comprensive framework of analysis for security studies. establishing the case for the wider agenda makes the subject incoherent and formulates security to incorporate the ...
Buku ini disajikan ke dalam dua bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia. Di kalangan Arab di Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1930-an, drama dipentaskan tidak hanya untuk menghibur tetapi juga untuk mendidik dan mema...
Articles A Nation at Risk or a Nation in Progress? Naming the Way Forward Through Research in Teacher Education Robert E. Floden, Gail Richmond, Maria Salazar “It’s Not Really My Job”: A ...
JKR 030 Num copies: 001....
Buku ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi peneliti hukum sebagai tindak lanjut dari penelitian tahun 2020 berjudul Politik Hukum Perampasan Aset Tindak Pidana. Penulis buku ini merupakan bagian Tim Peneliti...
Develop transformational professional development programs that build and sustain your school community In The PD Book, bestselling author Elena Aguilar and co-author Lori Cohen offer seven habits—...
So you’re ready to step into the classroom. Congratulations! First-Year Teaching For Dummies helps you sail through your first year, with tips they didn’t teach you in college. Discover your teach...
Add your voice to the podcasting revolution! The world is tuning into podcasts in larger and larger numbers. When you're ready to add your own voice to the mix, this book will help you find your niche...
With talk business...
This book examines the intersections between children, education and geography. With a particular focus on children’s geographies and geographies of education, the book draws upon cutting-edge resea...