1. Pemitosan identitas masyarakat bolaang mongondow utara (Ratun Untoro) 2. In search for qualitative inquiry in second language acquisition (Golda J. Tulung) 3. Pembelajaran bahasa indonesia bagi p...
1. Bentuk-bentuk sintaktik sederhana dalam tuturan anak (R. Hery Budhiono) 2. Sasana kayau: puisi lisan khas Kalimantan Tengah yang hampir punah (J.J. Kusni) 3. Wujud karakter sentral dalam kekohes...
Special issue: strengthening the connections between classroom and large-scale assessments Making measurement important for education: the crucial role of classroom assessment Mark Wilson Using lea...
DAFTAR ISI 1. Kemunculan Tahap Menulis Alfabet pada Gambar Ekspresif Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun (Putri Megasari) 2. Perbedaan Pemahaman Belajar Anak Usia Prasekolah dan Usia Sekolah (Della Raymena J) 3. P...
Since its first edition, An Introduction to Theories of Learning has provided a uniquely sweeping review of the major learning theories from the 20th century that profoundly influenced the field of ps...
Buku kedua dari tiga buku Menuju Indonesia 2045 ini adalah catatan kritis dari CSIS, terkait upaya Indonesia mencapai kemajuan ekonomi berbasis inovasi dan ilmu pengetahuan. Berlatar ekonomi, sosial, ...
Buku Fraktur Torakolumbal ini ditulis dengan latar belakang bahwa pemahaman mengenai fraktur Torakolumbal sangat diperlukan. Buku ini disajikan dengan menarik berdasarkan pengamatan dari berbagai sumb...
This book is an accessible introduction to linguistics specifically tailored for teachers of second language/bilingual education. It guides teachers stepwise through the components of language, focusi...
This book is a practical resource that helps campus administrators evaluate, revise, or establish a comprehensive crisis management plan appropriate for their college or university....
First published: 1991...
Includes index....
Robert J. Garmston, Diane P. Zimmerman....
Includes index.; ©2015 Kompas Media Nusantara.;...
science learning in everyday life 517/focus on ... equity and out of school learning what science and for whom? an introduction to our focus on equity and out-of-school learning leslie rupert he...
Studying Figurines (joyce marcus) "Every Tradesman Must Also be a Merchant" : Behavioral ecology and household - level production for better and trade in premodern economies (Kathryn demps, bruce win...
Includes index....
JK 420.901 Num copies: 001....
profesional development for equity: what consitutes powerful professional learning? darinda j. carter andrews and gail richmond 408 articles flipping the classrom in teacher education: implicati...