Feature Articles The complextiy of college readiness: differences by race and college selectivity Daniel Klasik and Terrell L. Strayhorn Comparing the effciency of schools through international ...
School improvement grants in ohio: effects on student achievement and school administration Deven Carlson and Stephane Lavertu The impacts of reading recovery at scale: results from the 4-year i...
The costs and consequences of excess credit hours policies Dennis A. Kramer II, Michael R. Holcomb, and Robert Kelchen Does remediation work for all students? how the effects of postsecondary rem...
Binsar A. Hutabarat Reformed Center for Religion and Society Ambiguitas diferensiasi agama dan negara di Indonesia H. Hans Panjaitan Reformed Center for Religion and Society Toleransi pasca ...
Editorial Elspeth Broady Introduction Guest editors' introduction Thomai Alexiou, Zoe Gavriilidou and James Milton Foreword Angeliki Psaltou-Joycey Articles The sill revisited in...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Authentic leadership: the missing link in managing diversity Soebowo Musa 11 Kepemimpinan berbasis integritas untuk kejayaan bangsa: bagaimana mengobarkannya?...
Validitas hasil sampel lembaga survei: kebenaran atau rekayasa? I Gusti Ngurah Agung. Leadership Challenge: Toward Effective Leadership Riding The Waves Of Corruption John Situmeang Kebijakan ...
Mengenali tantangan dan gagalnya ekonomi hijau John Situmeang Model pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan sebagai upaya menciptakan new leading economy di era Indonesia baru: studi kasus Desa Wisa...
Editor's notes I Gusti Ngurah Agung 9 Dwifungsi pengusaha dalam materialism - pragmatis kabinet kerja: Kajian semiotika kepemimpinan Saifur Rohman,M.Hum 11 Akar-akar revolusi mental John Situmean...
Sinergi Kepemimpinan dan Intelegensi dalam Penanggulangan Bencana Saifur Rohman Mengapa Intruksi Pimpinan Tidak Jalan? John Situmeang Tata Kelola Perbatasan Negara: Sebuah Pendekatan Manajemen...
Editor's notes I Gutu Ngurah Agung 5 Questioning Indonesia's industrial competitiveness: Dari negara berkembang menjadi negara terbelakang Hendrik Lim 7 Intelegensi, kesehatan, dan kepemimpinan: E...
Bibliography: p113-125. - Includes index....
Pendekatan nilai dalam pemberantasan pungutan liar: kajian filsafat strategi Saifur Rohman Memberantas budaya korupsi dan pungli dengan kekuatan melalui keyakinan: strength through fait-falsafah dan...
2. Cuba 36. The rebirth of old havana 46. A dinosaur named sue 60. John glenn: man with a mission 82. Tam dao- sanctuary under siege 98. Ancient art of the Sahara 120. Deep sould of the ne...
32. photographs by maggie steber 58. photographs by amy toensing 76. photographs by michael melford 96. photographs by david liittschwager 112. photographs by william albert allard 140. photo by ...